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Search results

  1. Fer-Snazzle

    Should AIDS be cured?

    OK, but - sorry- one more request. If it's not entirely too much trouble, could the options become "Yes", "No", "I don't know enough about the subject to answer", or "I just don't care"? Anyway, I think that a cure for AIDS shouldn't be found because, it's a natural thing. Look at the world...
  2. Fer-Snazzle

    FR/LG Ok, so, FireRed?

    Um, what?
  3. Fer-Snazzle

    Should AIDS be cured?

    I think I have. No offense - really, no offense - but I think what you did to the poll is kind of immature. Read my last post, it describes my intentions... Not telling everyone that people should die because I hate them, not telling everyone that AIDS it great because of something someone...
  4. Fer-Snazzle

    Should AIDS be cured?

    Ok...that option is...........a bit.......*coughcough* Is there any way you could return the one I had there, and then add another one saying, "yes," or perhaps, "yes, for a different reason," or just something that's not as mocking and sarcastic? And what I think of your opinions...I don't...
  5. Fer-Snazzle

    Should AIDS be cured?

    You're right...that option is biased...crap. Is there a way I can make a new one? Possibly just yes? Ugh this thread makes me sound and feel like a jerk. But I'm still curious of ya'llz opinions >.<;;; EDIT: AGHAGHAGH!!!!! THAT ISN'T RIGHT!!! >.< I wasn't calling you closed-minded for...
  6. Fer-Snazzle

    FR/LG Ok, so, FireRed?

    Is that some sort of mall? I live in random little town that's lucky to have a walmart and a target, just because it's on a highway. But yes, I shall check Target
  7. Fer-Snazzle

    Should AIDS be cured?

    I do make alot of people feel sick when I talk about this <O But I didn't realize ya'll were so closed-minded. Not even trying to see the other side? I dunno why it's not here, but this is quite a debate in my social cirlce. Mostly because they understand both sides.
  8. Fer-Snazzle

    FR/LG Ok, so, FireRed?

    Oh... *not understanding a word you just said* Um, if they don't have the game on the Website, would they have it at the store?
  9. Fer-Snazzle

    Should AIDS be cured?

    The way I see it, it could be cured, but that would cause an even larger boom in the Earth's population, or it could be left alone, and continue to live as an ever-spreading pandemic. If it's cured, those raped and infected, or those born with it would be able to finally have a fair chance at...
  10. Fer-Snazzle

    FR/LG Ok, so, FireRed?

    .........................What does ROM mean? And oh my God there's like, a Target right by the Highschool. Thanks, that's so totally what I meant by someplace obvious! XP EDIT: Once again, they sell the guide...........but not the game -.-
  11. Fer-Snazzle

    FR/LG Ok, so, FireRed?

    Ok, um, what's a ROM? And both places sell Leaf Green. I'm looking for fire red just because you can catch Electabuzz in it, so yeah =P But are ya'll sure it'd only be in the used section?
  12. Fer-Snazzle

    Too Long; Didn't Read

    Re: I fail at thread titles >_> That was such an anticlimax...Like, two hours of my life for a tiny pun that was just sooo funny I forgot to laugh?? -.-" This is what worries me about people. The fact that someone would make this story up...and type it up, and that people (such as myself)...
  13. Fer-Snazzle

    What's your real name?

    I love your last name
  14. Fer-Snazzle

    FR/LG Ok, so, FireRed?

    Does nobody sell it anymore? Both Gamestop.com and Bestbuy.com say that they don't even sell it. Wtf!? Is there any popular store that does? Ugh....I'm going to Walmart.com. Does anybody know of anywhere obvious it might be sold? EDIT: Ok, so Walmart sells the game guide. Not the game... *cough*
  15. Fer-Snazzle

    What Pokemon are you emotionally attached to?

    Gardevoir. I'm am so totally in love with Gardevoir.
  16. Fer-Snazzle

    What's your real name?

    If only you lived in West, TX Lol my name is Cooper Christian Wyatt. Wyatt - I think - is English, Cooper is just a random name my mom liked, and my middle name is ironic because I'm not christian. I use my middle name so little, that I sometimes mispell it.
  17. Fer-Snazzle

    Post your... pet!

    That's Ebba (left) and Mable (right). Ebba is the rotten one, and Mable is the sweet one who is shy because she used to be neglected. This is Bu-Bu (pronounced Boo-Boo). The is beautiful and has long, silky red hair. She literally has mental damage because of genetics and because she was...
  18. Fer-Snazzle

    What do you want to see in the 5th gen?

    I had two ideas, but I forgot the first one. The second is letting us fly to any place we want. I mean, the other trainers in the game do ("I flew here on my bird pokemon," "My Pidgey is delivering this message for me," ect.). As long as it's somewhere you've already been. I see how this can...
  19. Fer-Snazzle

    Letting Pokemon move on without me

    I agree. I think the company would actually make more money by re-vamping yellow, green, gold, sivler and crystal. I mean, Emerald wasn't boring to me, because of it's slight plot twist (Steven being the pkmn league champion) and the fact that you're not single-handedly taking on team rocket...
  20. Fer-Snazzle

    The anime may, in fact, be deeper and more depressing than I thought...

    Oh totally! I just kinda hope that the makers of the show read these internet speculations... *coughcoughhinthint*
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