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Search results

  1. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    Your Favorite Animal?

    Holy crap, I LOVE those things! :D They're cute, squishy, and they can survive practically anything! And Mhaladie, thanks for reminding me! ^-^ I love Sloth Bears, especially after Jungle Book (Baloo!).
  2. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Neither. One hand you got a war-mongerer, and the other puts winning over ideals. Or so I've heard. I'm waiting for the next Washington, Lincoln or FDR. Or whoever was a decent Pres. Well it said 'post a reply', ja, no?
  3. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom It's okay to feel sad. *Mister Rogers puppet* And now, to quote a webcartoon, "DU HAST MEIN TESTICLE GESTOLEN! D<" And now, for something completely different! I like the sound of...TWO BRICKS...banging against one another!
  4. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom <<; ;>> Anyvay, Sephiroth ate you mom. Or you can replace 'ate' with 'stabbed', it's the same thing. What a meme.
  5. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

    Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type SWEET! Grass: Leafeon Bug: Scyther Poison: Nidoking Fire: Charizard, Moltres. Can't beat em. Water: Totodile Ice: Articuno Electric: Raichu, Jolteon Normal: Pursian, Teddiursa, Ursaring Flying: Too many to list...off the top of my head, Lugia, Fearow Steel...
  6. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    Your Favorite Animal?

    Bears, Rodents, Birds and...do dinosaurs count? Dromaeosaurids (better known as raptors). Then again, I like all animals!
  7. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    Least Favorite Pokemon?

    Never been fond of Arceus. Which side has the face? <<//>> And what are those bizarre growths who sprout from his sides? I don't really like the pupae pokemon either (Metapod, Pupitar, Shelgon, Kakuna). Though the reptile pupae are better, they're a bit unsightly and the bug pupae do nothing.
  8. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    Weirdest evolution

    The tri-evolutions, like diglett or magnemite...but mainly, Weezing. It's supposed to be three Koffing that connected together, but what happened to the third one's face? It's just this little blob hanging off like a sixth finger. Other than that, Remoraid -> Octillery.
  9. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    Should zombies be refunded? O_O

    I personally agree with Number 100 on the brains thing. ;D If it's anything like "Pushing Daisies", yes, a full refund for the death tax and welfare of some sort for amenities, like shelter. If you saw the show, you'd know what I mean. If it's the rotting corpses that come up to the desk with...
  10. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom I feel like talking about Napoleon Dynamite. I like it when he yells at the llama. "Eat the FOOD!" D< Zora, uh, do you like Zombies? I've really been drawing zombies a lot lately. I'm not sure why I like 'em. I guess it's probably this vore thing, where they grab you...
  11. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom You say Goodbye, and I say Hello! Hello Hello! Don't know why you say 'goodbye' I say 'hello'! Good morning starshine! The Earth says 'HELLO'! Jeez, Zora, it must be your birthday! :3
  12. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    Oh no. Arceus is coming to the U.S

    Well, on one side you have the fanatical cults--The Church of Arceus...Orthodox-- and the Church of Church (extremists). They will fight to the death in a wonderful Civil War II and nuke each other, resulting in doom. Doom. DOOOOOM! *cockroach runs up post* Okay, my honest opinion, not many...
  13. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom Hallo Zora! (I saw you 3 hours ago.) I gots me a Bazooka with a chainsaw at the end! I learned that in Soviet Russia, everyone get ice cream. And if you lactose-intolerant, you still get ice cream!:D You gotta like ice cream--Scrooge does...
  14. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III


    Hiya, Shadowstar! I think I remember you! Yes, I definitely remember. P;
  15. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    So, zombies are animated corpses, right? (A Zombie Survival Plan)

    To take it the Rareware way, go outside, find high grounds, and hit the zombies with a shotgun to the head--no more, no less. But then, you miss one and you get eated (come to think of it, do zombies shit?) WARNUNG: NOT THE SAFEST SUGGESTION
  16. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    Favourite Bands/Artists?

    Right, lessee... Rammstein (JA!), The pillows (FLCL), The Beatles (righty-o), Robin Beanland (He did the music for Conker's Bad Fur Day), AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Frank Klepacki (Command & Conquer), Mike Curb (Burning Bridges), Van Halen, My Chemical Romance, The Used, System of A Down...
  17. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    What gender is Pikachu?

    Despite evidence against this, I still think Pikachu is a shim, by which I mean a hermaphrodite. :P Hey, I can dream right? I must add there is more evidence pointing to the male gender, but I can only go 50% wrong if I say it's a shim.
  18. Kaiser Von Pyroheimer III

    Earl Grey, Anyone?

    DID'JA MISS MEH?! Uh, yeah. I wasn't planning to come soon, and I think I may have burned my bridges this time, but yup. <<//>> I might stick around, to the minority that missed me, but I'm mainly here for the annual NaNoWriMo (aiming for 3rd place) and maybe some Mafia if it's still popular...
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