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Search results

  1. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    "Depends on what you're in the mood for," she drawled. Felin walked past Silver, a paw tapping at her chin as she eyed the various job posts on the board. She glanced past the simpler jobs. They'd gotten a bit stronger. There was no need to keep charting roads to guarantee her next meal...
  2. AdamArtDraws

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    "Ah," came a voice behind the Sneasel. The voice belonged to Felin, who had just arrived for her daily job routine. "If it isn't…" she paused for a moment to recollect his name. "Silver!" Felin grinned at him as she approached like a prowling cat. She maintained eye contact and sat on her...
  3. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    A green paw patted Sonora's arm. It was none other than Felin grinning at her as she wiped faint blood off a bruise on her cheek. "Well then, does this mean you're a free kitty now?" Felin asked with a short laugh. She stared down at Ignatius and crinkled her nose. "He was a tough bastard for...
  4. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Ground Floor

    Felin unsheathed her claws and ran up a wall. She waited with bated breath for an opening. Ignatius busied himself parrying attacks and she saw her chance. Felin sailed through the air in a green blur and struck Ignatius hard on his beakside. She grinned ear to ear at him, climbed up his head...
  5. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    The weight of the sword caused Felin to lag behind, pondering how to take it with her to the ground floors. It was when she overheard the Beldum that her fur bristled and she fired a glance at him. "If the whole Gala is a farce and the whole town's been bought out, what do we then?" Felin...
  6. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    "I'll take that off your paws," Felin said, a smirk plastered on her face as she happily freed Laura's paws of the large fucking sword. She trailed a finger over the scabbard in a moment of distraction. It didn't take long for the fascinated look in Laura's eyes to get Felin's attention. Or...
  7. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    "Oh goody, treasure!" Felin cackled as she dove headfirst into the burning vault. Her eyes gleamed with gold and her gaze darted back and forth in search for the most valuable thing she could take. Was she really a guildmon? One would have been forgiven for thinking she was a bandit in that very...
  8. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Felin bounced of the vault door and cursed profanities under her breath at how little of a dent her strike had caused. If she still had her sacred sword it would've been easy as cutting through a sheet of paper. She shot glances around her and spotted Isidora nearby. "Atta girl, I'll cover...
  9. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    "There's no such thing as an unbreakable door." Felin twitched her fingers as voltage coursed through her bones. She vaulted forward, cackling to herself with eyes set on the vault door. "Let us tear this one down easy as a wooden board!"
  10. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Felin smiled at him and didn't respond. As she left, she muttered, "Sleep tight, Mr Rat. Might be hard if things get crazy though. Haha."
  11. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Felin quirked a grin at the sleeping patrat. Poor rodent. If she hadn't been on the job she would have made away with the cheap gin. Having soft paw pads helped a lot when it came to sneaking around. She approached gently, careful not to make a sound. In a single motion, she unbolted the door...
  12. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    "Will get the bolt," Felin said with a light chuckle. "I'm not so good at distracting without drawing a lot of attention." She slid away right then and blended in, keeping to corners and making herself seem dull to not draw anyone's eyes towards herself.
  13. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

    Felin snuck up beside Laura and tipped her black rimmed hat towards her. She looked at her with a grin. "How goes it? I've been looking around trying to guess where Sonora would come in from. We ought to make it easier for her, don't we?"
  14. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "Hmm. I'll keep that in mind," Felin said, right before fetching fifty cents from her pocket and offering it to Toru. She quirked a smile at him. "For the good talk." <><><><>
  15. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "You could say my homeland has a bit more freedom. Most of the benefits from of the land goes right to the mon living on it," Felin said. She failed to mention that things only became like that in her world somewhat recently. "I feel that pokemon should have more of a say in what happens to...
  16. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Main Street

    So far things lined up with what Sonora had told her. Felin frowned in disbelief. "It isn't all right at all. Kyurem's bolt! Did the townsfolk never say anything about this?" She frowned slightly. "Or did he do something to silence everyone?" That could very well be true, if the wanted...
  17. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "Toru. That's a fine name," Felin said, repeating it in her head so she didn't forget. Every pokemon here having a name still struck her as odd. Was it really such a casual thing in other worlds that everymon had one? She hummed in acknowledgement to Toru's next remark while she let her face...
  18. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "I'm a delver, it's kind of like a Ranger I think. Much of my time was spent exploring dungeons or rescuing mon stuck in them," Felin answered. "I enjoyed being on the job even if it's not what one would think of as a safe and stable job." She lightly brushed her freshly trimmed cheek and let...
  19. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "No it's not like that," Felin replied, this time not following it with a chuckle. "Old man had hung up his blade and wanted me to never pick one up. That's where we disagreed, but we got along with him just fine on pretty much everything else." Snipping sounds filled her ears as she tilted...
  20. AdamArtDraws

    Frontier Town Main Street

    "Distinguished indeed yes. I'll trust your gut, if your fine mustache is anything to go by," Felin said with a snicker as she sat cozily on the seat. "You know, my grandfather was a Samurott. He wasn't much of a barber, or a doctor," Felin began in her effort to make idle talk. "My parents say...
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