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Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors

Laura glanced at Odette to her side. "Kinda. Mhynt found a hidden space on this floor yesterday, and the guests have been gossipping about it containing treasure or secrets or whatever. Pretty sure that's what Las Picaras are after..."

As they arrived at the painting, Grafaiai Vago examined it with all their senses – peering, sniffing, touching the frame with their berry-stained fingers, even pressing an ear to it and tapping it carefully – before knocking firmly in a specific spot, neatly pressing on a lower corner with one foot, and sending the hidden door behind it sliding open.

"We're in," they whispered smugly, hitching their hood up around their face.

The hidden room had more decorations, a simple desk with stationery, some chairs, a shelf of books and ornaments. Even a wine bottle and glass. But it did not appear to have anything deeply incriminating...

Vago moved inside and pointed towards a metal-reinforced door on the other side of the room. It wasn't locked with a key, it seemed, but with a combination lock such as you might find on a steel safe.

"Gonna crack it," said the Grafaiai, with confidence. "Buy me time."

Behind the group, Hob & Nero and Felin arrived to bring up the rear... followed by angry security guards. Outstanding infiltration work.

Laura's paws tensed up, digging her claws into her palms. What had they gotten themselves into??
Lyle flared up with a start after briefly glimpsing Hob, Nero, and Felin getting tailed by hostiles. Dammit, so much for getting out of here before things went sideways. And from the lack of a reply to his question earlier he was guessing that they didn't have any Wonder Orbs to work with.

"Brace yourselves!" he cried. "We've got company!"
"Kinda. Mhynt found a hidden space on this floor yesterday, and the guests have been gossipping about it containing treasure or secrets or whatever. Pretty sure that's what Las Picaras are after..."
She nodded. “Huh. Hope it’s something fucking worth it then.”

As Vago got to work on the safe, she heard a commotion downstairs. Her first thoughts went to Steven, then the crew acting as security, then…

Guards. Coming up the rear. She huffed in annoyance, feeling almost bad for how expectant she was. Everything always had to go to shit in one fell swoop, didn’t it?

Welp. Time to bring out the big guns. Or, jaws in this case.

She reached into her bodice and pulled out the key to the lock that held her chains in place. In a swift, practiced motion, she unlocked it, and yanked the chains off with a dexterous flick of her wrist.

“Like I fucking said. It better be worth it.” And dear gods she hoped Sonora still had her head. This is not how she was expecting things to go.

But then again, what was new there?

Meanwhile, her jaws let out a fierce cackle as they licked their lips, drool drilling to the floor as a wicked grin split them in two.

“̸O̸H̸O̵H̵O̸H̶O̵O̸O̶O̵ ̸B̶I̴T̶C̴H̷,̶ ̸I̵’̷M̴ ̴E̷A̸T̸I̵N̷G̷ ̶S̸H̸I̸T̵B̴I̷R̸D̸ ̸G̵U̵A̸R̸D̷ ̷P̴A̶T̷E̷ ̸T̴O̷N̸I̸G̶H̶T̸,̵ ̸F̷U̴C̷K̸E̴R̸S̷.̷”̸
The ballroom had become chaos instantly. Espurr dove behind a tablecloth the moment the green... cat thing had made their entrance from behind the bandstand. Making things worse--it seemed like some pokemon there had been expecting this. What had she walked into the middle of?

So acting quickly, while everymon else's attention was on the cat bandit, she crept underneath the tables and the legs of stunned guests, and snuck up the stairs. Not that it had saved her from confrontation in the end--now there were security guards making their way up here. Which flatly made no sense to Espurr -- wasn't there a bigger problem downstairs?

Or--oh no--maybe they thought all of them were with the bandits. Come to think of it, how many of them were? She didn't recognise all of these pokemon from the party. What was any of this?

But she'd picked a side, for better or worse. It was time to stick with it, and maybe she'd figure out some more along the way. A few security guards weren't the end of the world, right?
Vago rolled their eyes dramatically from where they were trying to crack the lock. "Too noisy. Gonna go help the boss. Peppers, you deal with this."

The Scovillain somehow managed to crack the non-existent knuckles in their boneless plant fists. "Element-resistant doesn't mean element-proof," said Hob.

Those guards are intent on stopping you entering that room! It is sealed and proofed, and I can not see inside it... Whatever is in there must be terribly important! Maybe you should secure it before going to help your allies on the ground floor?
[ ] Objective: break into the vault! [0/??? dmg]

The mayor's security team looked as angry at the group as they looked afraid of what their boss would do to them if they failed to protect his secrets.

Laura sighed, and flexed her untested claws.

"Too late to back out now," she murmured.

Maschiff used their Protect Orb! +1 Shield!
Maschiff ate their Reflex Seed! +1 Eva and Acc!
Patrat used their Protect Orb! +1 Shield!
Patrat ate their Cautious Seed! +1 Def and Res!
Watchog used their Protect Orb! +1 Shield!
Watchog ate their Cautious Seed! +1 Def and Res!
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Ghaspius clicked his tongue. "Riiight, ah, don't suppose y'all got an easy way cut through that there door?" He hummed to himself. Might as well try the obvious solution.


"Okay, proofed," he winced as he failed to phase through the door. "Barely even rung. How thick is this thing?"

He shook his head. His cohorts were about to take some heat! "You got this, Astrid," he said as he placed a tassel atop her head and relinquished some of his energy to her.

Ghaspius (Aux Rogue/Support)
Support: Grant +1 Mag stage @ Astrid
Lyle flared up as the room exploded into activity. Damn it, this was exactly the sort of situation he was afraid of happening! But it was too late to turn back now. He saw the flash of the Protect Orb and began to build white-hot cinders at the back of his throat, he didn't know how tough these 'mons were, but there was no point in letting them whale on them at full strength.

Amidst shouts and trading blows, he thought that he saw the Watchog's Protect drop and spewed the fire out to try and deal a burn to throw him off-balance.

Lyle (Aux Rogue/Brawler)
Rogue: Burn @ Watchog after another player removes Protect
"There's no such thing as an unbreakable door." Felin twitched her fingers as voltage coursed through her bones. She vaulted forward, cackling to herself with eyes set on the vault door. "Let us tear this one down easy as a wooden board!"

Felin (Aux Brawler/Defender)
Brawler: Strike @ Vault Door
Well, shit, Ridley thought as the guards arrived. He still didn't think much of his combat ability, and with the room full of other people he suspected his skills could be put to better use elsewhere. He turned his attention to the vault, trying to see what he could figure out about it.

Ridley (Aux Rogue/Spotter)
- Spotter Aux: Combat Intel @ vault (DEF and RES)
Welp. That didn't last long. She hissed to herself: "So much for stealthy!"

She unsheathed her claws and peaked outside the room, hesitating when she witnessed the security team whip out strange, glowing blue orbs. What are...? Whatever they were, the guards seemed to be drawing some kind of power from them. So that's what that cyndaquil meant by Wonder Orbs?

There were too many things to worry about at once right now. She turned back towards the safe and rushed at it with a claw cloaked in black energy -- "I'll give it one good hit!" -- and punched into it as hard as she could. Then, she turned and ran to help the others out in the hall, dashing in with Quick Attack, icy claws at the ready.

Isidora (48 STM, 5 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Feint Attack @ Vault (-8 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to Central Hall (-2 TMP)
- Dash to West Hall (-2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Watchog (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- Ice Shard @ Maschiff (-5 STM, +2 TMP)
- Ice Shard @ Maschiff (-7.5 STM, +2 TMP)
- Walk to Central Hall
- Trigger Spotter TO - GM's Choice
Net change: -27 STM, +4 TMP
Net totals: 21 STM (33 after regen), 9 TMP
Odette turn 1 (context for adjustments are summarized in the discord thread):

Odette (42 STM, 5 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Walk to Central Hall
- Dash to West Hall (-2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Maschiff 1 (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- Activate ability (Intimidate) @ Watchog, Maschiff 1
- Play Rough @ Maschiff 1 (-16 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP) {Combat Intel: Maschiff 1’s Defense and Resistance}
- Quick Attack @ Maschiff 1 (-9 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to Central Hall (-2 TMP)
Net change: -31 STM, +2 TMP
Net totals: 11 STM (21 after regen), 7 TMP
Astrid had lost the plot at some point. But that was okay. Thrill that she hadn’t realized she’d missed kicked in, and suddenly she didn’t feel so tiny anymore.

“They’ll waste time coming to us over there!” she barked towards the eastern cooridor, facing her liquifying haunches instead to the west. “—While we go straight to them over here!” A chilly slush burrowed up her shoulders and glided off her pelt as she burst past the threshold, pinpointed their defenses, and targeted the weak points she could muster. Water hardened into solid—first as clumps of snow to disorient, then as finer, sharper crystals to pierce, and lastly as one long shank that she swung in Maschiff’s direction, aiming for his dome.

She had an opportunity, briefly, to dash back out, grab some cover… but she declined, digging her heels into the carpet and facing down what remained with solemn scrutiny.

Aqua Jet: 1.5 (Ability)
Powder Snow: 1.25 (+1 Mag) * 1.25 (STAB) * 1.5 (Ability) * 0.5 (@ 2 targets)
Frost Breath: 1.25 (+1 Mag) * 1.25 (STAB) * 1.5 (Ability) * 1.25 (critical)
Ice Shard: 1.25 (STAB) * 1.5 (Ability)

Astrid (44 STM, 5 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Receive +1 Magic from Ghaspius!
- Walk to Central Hall
- Dash to West Hall (-2 TMP)
- Aqua Jet @ Maschiff 1 (shield) (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- Powder Snow @ Watchog (shield), Maschiff 1 (half-dodge) (-8 STM, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Watchog (-8 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP) {Combat Intel: Watchog’s Defense, Resistance}
- Ice Shard @ Maschiff 1 (-5 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
Net change: -27 STM, +11 TMP
Net totals: 17 STM (28 after regen), 16 TMP

1. Ridley [aux]
2. Felin [aux]
3. Rodion
4. Ghaspius [aux]
5. Astrid
6. Laura [aux]
7. Lyle [aux]
8. Odette
9. Isidora
10. Espurr [aux]
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It looked like if they were going to get the vault open, the rest of them needed some cover. And with so many pokemon focused on the east hall, there just wasn't as much attention on the west--particularly that big, angry watchog who was approaching quickly! Espurr didn't know how much she could hold them back for, but she'd try her best...

Caster @ Watchog
laser beam blast
Rodion looked between the vault and the direction he could hear the guards were coming from. So much for just helping to distract or opening a window... Then again, what would the fun in that be?
"Sure hope you're good breaking stuff open, Hob."

And with that, a watery sword formed in Rodion's left paw as he charged towards the vault.

Rodion (46 STM, 5 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Liquidation @ Vault (-17 STM, +3 TMP)
- Bonus Action: Focus (+5 TMP)
Net change: -17 STM, +8 TMP
Net totals: 29 STM (40 after regen), 13 TMP
Turn 1
Allied Phase Results

Laura's brain immediately went to battle strategy as a trainer and she found herself asking how the hell she didn't know what moves the team knew, what the battle rules were in this world and whether they even applied when you were in the middle of a heist...

Fuck, maybe she should just try and figure out the flow of the battle before opening her goddamn mouth. How was it looking...?

Combat intel:
Ridley's Spotter Skill! The vault has 50 Defense and 50 Resistance.
Astrid's Spotter feat! Watchog has 33 Defense and 41 Resistance.
Odette's Spotter feat! Maschiff has 29 Defense and 20 Resistance.
Isidora's Spotter feat! Watchog knows the following moves:

Confuse Ray
Shadow Ball
Hyper Fang

"Sure hope you're good breaking stuff open, Hob."

Hob chuckled. "Well I'm a crack shot at movin' targets with Bullet Seed! But this target's goin' nowhere..."

Hob & Nero Focused...
Their Flamethrower dealt 9 dmg!
Their Bullet Seed dealt 5-5-5-5... 20 dmg!

"Oi!" yelled Nero. "We need more firepower over here if we wanna bust through this door within the next week!"

Laura's tail thrashed anxiously. This was a tough spot, and she could hear the sound of battling from downstairs, too...

"Guys, I think we'd better hurry..."

Howls afar, she was a goddamn Meowth. She should use moves of her own, right? But someone had to keep an eye on the battle as a whole... Okay, okay, okay, she could do this. Who here was a species with good striking power...?

"Hey, Isidora! We need as much power as we can get to break through! Hit the vault door as hard as you can!"

Suddenly, they were in combat. It was the first time so many of the heroic spirits had fought together, and even knowing they might get caught, they were hardly ready for an actual fight. With so little time to prepare, they only had the basic of attacking down and a few useful items, and they'd not expected guards to come hightailing after Hob & Nero. But the sense of confusion and chaos dissipated quickly, the team falling into sync in mere seconds, the presence of the Voice who'd brought them to this world now freshly in their minds...

Felin's Brawler Skill dealt 6 damage to the vault!

Rodion's Liquidation dealt 8 damage to the vault!

Ghaspius supported Astrid! +1 Mag!

Astrid used Aqua Jet! Maschiff's Shield broke!
Astrid's Powder Snow dealt a grazing 4 damage to Maschiff! Watchog's Shield broke!
Astrid's Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 14 damage to Watchog!
Astrid's Ice Shard dealt 10 damage to Maschiff 1!

Laura supported Isidora! +1 Atk!

Lyle's Rogue skill! Watchog was Burned!

Odette's Quick Attack dealt 5 damage to Maschiff!
Odette's Intimidate rattled the enemies! -1 Atk!
Odette's Play Rough dealt 16 damage to Maschiff!
Odette's Quick Attack dealt 5 damage to Maschiff!

Isidora's Feint Attack dealt 10 damage to the vault!
Isidora's Quick Attack dealt 7 damage to Watchog!
Isidora's Ice Shard dealt 11 damage to Maschiff! KO!!
Isidora's Ice Shard dealt 9 damage to Watchog!

Espurr's Caster skill dealt 7 damage to Watchog!
Objective: break into the vault! [53/200 dmg]
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Turn 1
Enemy Phase

With a soft fwump, the first Maschiff collapsed onto the ornate carpet. On the opposite end of the hall, the second Maschiff snarled loudly and bolted for the intruders.

Maschiff 2 walked to Central Hall.
Maschiff's Intimidate! -1 Atk
Maschiff 2's Fire Fang dealt 13 dmg to Odette!
Maschiff 2 dashed to West Hall.
Maschiff 2's Scary Face! Astrid lost 2 spd.
Watchog walked to Central Hall.
Watchog's Confuse Ray! Odette was confused.
Watchog's Shadow Ball dealt 9 dmg to Astrid!
Watchog's Hyper Fang dealt 19 dmg to Isidora!

Meanwhile a sentry Patrat was halfway down the hall when she noticed movement on the edge of her vision. Intruders! In the mayor's study!
Patrat walked and then dashed to Secret Study.
Patrat's Super Fang dealt 35 dmg to Hob&Nero!
Patrat's Leer! -1 Def to the zone

But Patrat wasn't the only guard that had slipped into the study. From the shadows, a huge, hulking silhouette slowly emerged... and then struck!
Mabosstiff's Brawler Strike dealt 20 dmg to Rodion!
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Turn 2

Ghaspius winced as watched his companions get bitten, glared out, and knocked around by the guards' strikes. They needed to get into that vault, and stat! But his instincts kicked in. He couldn't help but worry for everyone getting hurt.

He shuffled through his bag and pulled out a tiny vial. He didn't have permission from Drungfield to start making his own brews, of course, but he felt the urge to. There was a Liechi Berry to use as a base right in that greenhouse place and everything! He'd have to clean the vial and sneak back it into her inventory as soon as they were done here, though. Assuming he'd even get out of this without getting fired.

The Misdreavus floated to Odette and said, "Here, take this; it'll help make the jaws a bit snappier." He gave a reassuring smile and added, "I'll try to use whatever's in that there vault to make sure Sonora doesn't get the noose."

"I don't...think these things need to be snappier. They're pretty fucking sharp. You know...the teeth aren't even teeth? It's just metal? Because I'm a steel type?"

"Oh, ah, right, er..." To escape the awkward situation, he floated over to the next person he saw that needed help. A Buizel, it seemed. He quietly offered the potion and repeated the same promise.

Ghaspius (Aux Rogue/Support)
Support: Grant +1 Attack stage @ Rodion
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Well, one guard was out. Odette watched him go down, far longer than she intended to. A cloud had taken form behind her eyes, and the rubber ducks floating around her head weren't much help in clearing it.

"I--" she stammered, blinking wildly. "Okay...I'm just gonna..."

Using the walls as help, she guided herself back toward the secret study, watching as grimsnarl with handlebar mustaches and bowler hats danced the Carlton in her peripheral vision.

"Oh. That's funny," she snickered. A distant crash of glass momentarily snapped her back to reality, and as the hallucinations faded, and continued to stumble her way back to the study.

"O...okay," she declared in a drawl. "Let's just...break this fucking thing open. I need a...some smelling salts...or something."

"̵C̴o̸u̴l̸d̷ ̷y̸o̶u̶ ̵i̸m̸a̶g̴i̶n̵e̸ ̷i̶f̶ ̴h̵e̵ ̷w̵a̴s̸ ̶h̶o̵a̶r̵d̸i̷n̸g̶ ̸p̵o̵u̷n̵d̶s̸ ̷o̴f̵ ̸c̵o̷c̶a̷i̴n̷e̵ ̸i̶n̴ ̷t̵h̷e̷r̶e̷?̴ ̷T̴h̶a̷t̶'̶d̸ ̶b̶e̵ ̵a̷ ̷n̸i̴c̵e̵ ̷p̵i̷c̷k̸ ̴m̸e̵ ̶u̶p̵,̸"̷ the jaws sneered.

"...no," she said simply, the rest of her words shriveling and dying on her confused tongue. As the misdreavous floated up to her, she pointed at him suspiciously.

"I don't...think these things need to be snappier. They're pretty fucking sharp. You know...the teeth aren't even teeth? It's just metal? Because I'm a steel type?"

Another bout of commotion sent another momentary surge of sobriety through her nerves, and she groaned as she shook her heavy head.

"Fuck this...I have to try...to beat on this thing..."

Odette (21 STM, 7 TMP, 0 SPD, 0 ACC)
- Dash to Secret Study (-2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Vault (-6 STM, +2 TMP)
- Quick Attack @ Vault (-9 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- Acrobatics @ Vault (-13 STM, +2 TMP)
- Play Rough @ Vault (-16 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
Net change: -4 STM, +6 TMP
Net totals: 17 STM (27 after regen), 13 TMP
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