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Frontier Town Mayoral Residence – Upper Floors


Lucien nodded carefully.

"You all make... compelling points. I suppose..." He cleared his throat. "My father was fond of the rhetoric that civilisation would collapse without a careful guiding hand. Our hand, implicitly. And yet, I feel that without his continuing misdeeds, that the town will somehow not immediately collapse in the coming weeks."

The bird managed an ironic smile. Was this his attempt at making a joke?

Laura raised a paw to get his attention. "So, will you call an election? And... will you not run for office?"

"Hmm. I must, mustn't I? It will be... a strange series of events, to be sure. There have been very few serious candidates besides the incumbent in the history of Frontier Town."

"Good," quipped Laura. "Fresh start."

"Indeed." Lucien smiled grimly. "I believe I will be glad to vacate this residence. The new mayor may do as they please with it. As for myself... I think perhaps I am destined to be a civil servant. I am comfortable in that role. If my, ah, new boss will have me."
"Maybe whoever gets elected will make this more than a personal residence of this place." Nova looked around. "Seems awfully spacious for one family. And, uh, I guess whatever staff handle the upkeep.

"Who knows? Maybe if someone agreeable moves in, we can use this place to hold meetings. Strategize and stuff." There was a lot of space in the manor, after all. "Could always give this person ol' flattering eyelid flutter." He paused, then added with a wink, "Though it's more impressive when there's no mask."
"Indeed." Lucien smiled grimly. "I believe I will be glad to vacate this residence. The new mayor may do as they please with it. As for myself... I think perhaps I am destined to be a civil servant. I am comfortable in that role. If my, ah, new boss will have me."
"That seems like a good plan," said Steven with a nod and a smile. It was good to see some of the anxiety fade from Lucien's face, however little.

"All things considered, I don't think anyone is expecting you to vacate your home right away, either. Although, we might have given you or whoever moves in a head start on the renovations," he finished with a chuckle.

It seemed like Steven was going to say more, but he didn't continue right away. Some of his fidgeting returned as the others spoke up while he mulled something over in his mind. Finally he reached a decision.

"And..." he began, hesitantly, "If you'd like a hand with anything... I can't say I know much about holding civil office, but I have read over a budget report or ten in my time. In case... in case you don't want to go through this alone."

"No need to decide right away, though!" Steven added quickly. "About that, or anything. A lot has happened, and you need some time to get your affairs in order. And some rest." He glanced at the clock on the wall and inwardly grimaced. "Us, too."
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The renovations joke actually got a genuine laugh out of Lucien. Something relaxed in him, and his smile looked a little more genuine.

"Beldum Steven, I would be delighted to have your assistance in clerical matters," he said, and for once he seemed to be comfortable directly expressing a feeling of his own. "Perhaps first you should turn in for the night – I am myself... quite fatigued."

Laura gave a tiny snort. "Yeah. We're all knackered, let's be honest." She sighed, and crossed her arms tightly, as if cold. "Thanks for your time, Lucien. Guess we might be seeing more of each other if we stick around town?"

"Doubtless we will," agreed Lucien, more warmly than usual. He stood, to give a small respectful bow. "I look forward to it."
Nova nodded. As the others were turning to leave, though, one thing struck the back of his mind. "Oh, right, before I forget." He glanced around. Seeing that no servants or anything were around, Nova continued, "I don't really know much about what your father was keeping in that vault of his. But I do have the experience to say that, based on what you've told us, I get the sense he wasn't acting alone in all of his schemes."

He looked out one of the windows. "In which case, there's a good chance events here reach his 'associates.' So, I've got to wonder how safe he is in lockup. We'd be wise to get as much as we can out of him before we lose the opportunity." Nova hoped that implication was good enough.

Maybe he was just being paranoid, but he'd seen it happen enough back home. Both for things he was interested in, and the foolish Kingdom of Radiance. Pokémon who either silenced themselves out of loyalty to others... or met with unfortunate accidents when it seemed like they were going to talk to law enforcement.

"Food for thought." The null turned around to join the others. "Take care of yourself." Nova slowly walked out of the room.

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[Ch03] ~ Going Forward
Lucien had sent out another invitation to the Wayfarers to meet with him, this time more formally. A hand-written letter delivered by a Watchog runner, one who took the time to find someone in the Haus and specify that anyone in the party was welcome to come.

The Prinplup waited for company not in his office, but in one of the upstairs reception rooms of the manor. Carpeted, lined with bookcases and display cabinets, and comfortably fitted with seats for 'mon of any body plan.

There were even refreshments.
Steven didn't have to go far to arrive at the reception Lucien had prepared for their group. He'd already been filing some paperwork for the Marshal that day, and simply floated upstairs when he had finished. Naturally, that meant he was the first to arrive, although he kept his distance from Lucien, opting for a padded bench near some bookcases at the back of the room.

It'd been the same kind of caution he'd shown around everyone since his conversation with Archie about the potential of spreading shadow contagion. Truthfully, he wasn't keen on even coming to the former mayor's residence, not wanting to drag Lucien into the mess, but the Prinplup had asked for his help directly, and he wasn't one to go back on his earlier promise.

Hopefully Lucien wouldn't see his less-than-sociable behavior as an affront.
Why was he here?

Archie hadn’t returned to the mayoral palace since the night of the gala. He’d just happened to be in the Haus when the Watchog came knocking, so he’d been conveniently available. Ostensibly, he’d come because he was one of the contractors originally hired by the former mayor to provide security, and thus, technically, was partially responsible for the events of the night. He’d also been one of the ones to see the disgraced Empoleon off to jail, and had spoken to the still unrepentant politician just the other day. So, he figured, he might have some information the Prinplup might be interested in having. Or at least, that was how he justified it to himself.

Really though, Archie was here because he needed the distraction. The events in Silver Ravine still left him feeling sick. And he was desperate enough that even speaking to the town Marshal about what a terrible person his father was seemed like a great alternative. So, he forced down the queasy feeling with a bitter Lum-Durin concoction that he’d filled his flask with on his way out of the Haus that morning, and figured he’d had his stomach sufficiently under control by the time he was shown up to one of the manor’s many private rooms that he could be presentable. So, removing his hat to be more respectful, he knocked and entered.

“Uh, hello? Marshal Voclain? I received your…” He entered as his spoke, expecting to find the Prinplup waiting for them, maybe seated at a desk or something. Instead, his eyes settled on Steven. And suddenly the drink he’d forced down earlier didn’t seem to be working so well anymore.

“Oh! S-Steven, um… Hello!” The Oshawott forced out, closing the door behind him. He was going to have to explain everything to the Beldum, sooner rather than later. Still, seeing him here, it almost felt too soon. What was he going to do? He couldn’t back out now!
A knock came from the door, followed by the faint scratching of claws and wiggling of the handle. Click, push, and the head of a red-furred Sneasel slipped through the opening. Silver took many fleeting glances around the room, and his gaze landed on the various ‘mons currently in the room.

Prinplup Lucien. Champion Steven. And… Dragon Buster Archie, wasn’t it? Yeah, that sounded about right.

“Hmm… There’s already quite the party here. Do I disturb?” he asked, acting as politely and formally as he could, mirroring the behavior he took during the business meetings hosted by his grandmother. He even wore a navy blue yukata with silver rims, so that he didn’t look like a vagabond.

Once he closed the door and studied his surroundings further, Silver quickly noticed something off in the behavior of his teammates. They seemed somewhat on edge for reasons he didn’t know yet. But considering that they only recently recovered from a deadly encounter with a Shadow Pokémon — one armed with necrotoxins, from what he could tell — then maybe they were still somewhat jumpy and on guard.

Silver flashed a tiny smile and waved a paw, hoping to instill to Steven and Archie some courage by keeping up a brave and confident attitude, before turning to his main objective and reason he was there.

“Hey, Marshal. How’re you holding up?” he asked, motioning with his head to the Prinplup. A mild note of sympathy and genuine concern resonated in his voice, since Silver knew well what it meant to have a father locked behind jail bars. “Must’ve been a massive headache dealing with all the stuff tied to your old man and the aftermath.”
The door opened to some more new arrivals, and familiar ones at that.

"Archie, hello," Steven returned the greeting with an upturned eye. It was good to see his new friend, and a minor boon that it wasn't a necessity to keep away from the Oshawott. They'd already shared close proximity before, not to mention the Haus incident. Steven relaxed a bit seeing his new friend without having to worry as much.

When Silver waved hello, Steven offered him a nod in return. "We're just waiting for some others to arrive," he explained for the benefit of both newcomers.

It was a relief when Silver kept his distance, opting to speak with Lucien rather than head towards the back of the room were Steven sat. It had been a while since Steven last saw the young trainer, and he wondered if Silver had managed to steer clear of any shadow pokemon in that time.

Archie, well, it didn't much matter. Hopefully it was all conjecture anyway, and he was being overly cautious for nothing. He settled back in his seat and waited for more Wayfarers to gather.
Silver’s appearance provided a welcome distraction from his thoughts. Actually, the Oshawott felt kind of plain in his shabby coat and hat standing next to the fancied up Sneasel. He flashed the new arrival a tired smile, only a little forced, popping his hat back on his head so he could tilt the brim in Silver’s direction. Really, it was nice to see him again.

Thankfully, the Sneasel made a beeline for the Marshal, which gave Archie the opportunity to cross the room to where Steven was seated. Once his face was out of sight of Lucien and Silver, his expression immediately became much more worried. There was no point putting this off. Maybe if he considered Steven a test run for how he’d break the news to the others, he could get through it alright? The Beldum seemed a little high strung, but mostly level headed and not particularly prone to panic, at least?

“Steven, there’s something I need to speak with you about, privately,” he whispered once he figured he was close enough. He spared a moment to glance back towards Silver and Lucien, before turning back to the Beldum, “Maybe after this?”
If the sudden look of worry that planted itself on Archie's face wasn't enough to put Steven on edge, it was definitely what the Oshawott said next.

It wasn't so much what he said as it was the total absence of Archie's usual easy-going demeanor. Suddenly, Steven worried what could have possibly happened to have rattled Archie so much. It hadn't been that long since they last spoke.

Steven's eye-smile quickly became pinched with concern. "Sure," he said, nodding. "Afterward."

He tried to bury his growing worry so as to not alert anyone else in the room, but oddly, it was more difficult than he thought.
Heavy footsteps pounded against the floor. Late, late, late. It wasn't as if Nova was planning to run into some roughlander in the middle of town. These things just sort of happened.

Nova stumbled through the door only to stop and look at the... assortment of tinier team members. Steven had visited Lucien last time, too. No surprise there. The others, though...

Was he supposed to say anything about what he just heard? Allegedly, someone tried to communicate this message to the Wayfarers. So, the others knew, right? They must've already said something by now. Nova was late, after all...

And also dirty and raggedy looking from the training exercises and sleeping in the dirt. Nova was used to it, though he doubted it looked impressive to the others. Oh well.

"Sorry. Had a thing," Nova mumbled, shuffling into the room. "Bird in the fountain..."
Once he was sure there were enough people there he wouldn’t be subject to smalltalk, Gladion made his way to the room Lucien had invited them too meet in.

The place looked quite comfortable. Gladion couldn’t help feeling out of place in spite of— or perhaps because of— that. A room full of refreshments he couldn’t partake in, and with a set of seats from which he wasn’t sure if he could identify which would be comfortable for his body.

He opted to stand, trying to look natural with an amount of conscious effort that could never have achieved anything but awkwardness in reality.

“Hey, Lucien. Holding up alright?”
Lucien gave the various Wayfarers a tired smile as they arrived.

"Good day, all of you. Thank you for coming. Is this everyone...?"

He nodded hesistantly to Gladion and Silver.

"I am holding up well enough. Preparations have begun for our first open election in quite some years, and I have chosen... not to run as a candidate. Which fills me with as much foreboding as it does relief. Feelings equalled by my growing concern for other matters, such as this Shadow pokémon crisis, reports of mobilisation by Escarpa warriors, and more besides."

He sighed, and forced an amiable expression.

"I was hoping we could discuss where things stand. Your party's current intentions, your relationship to the town government, and so on. Whether I can provide any assitance to you, and you, any assurances to me. I fear I am increasingly in the dark."
"That's natural," Nova said. "I'd be more concerned if you weren't nervous. It's an unknown future. But it's a path forward you're carving for yourself." He tapped a rear-facing claw against the floor. Stars, that sounded dumb. Like something off a fortune cookie.

"Funny you mention that." He looked at the doorway. "Just happened across a roughlander staraptor on my way here. Mentioned the Escarpa have taken significant interest in the railroad. I think... because it connects to Blaguarro, and they view it as a source of shadow 'mons."
"Change is as unsettling as it is necessary," said Steven with a nod. "Frontier Town was going to change regardless of our presence. Even if we might have, ah, hastened things along. I'm glad you've made the choice for yourself, though."

Speaking of change... Of course Lucien would want to know about shadow pokemon. Steven drew his cloak a bit tighter around himself.

"I fear some of the other things you've heard about might have escalated due to our arrival as well..." His gaze fell. "Namely the shadow pokemon issue."

He glanced towards the Type:Null. "It's as Nova said, Blaguarro seems to be the epicenter of these shadows. Yet in our investigations to learn as much, we've drawn attention of the shadows here to Frontier Town."

His gaze then slid over to Archie for a brief moment before finding Lucien again. "It pains me to say, but as it stands now with what we know, I'm not certain of the safety of anyone in town as long as we remain here."
Steven seemed to instantly understand the gravity of the situation. That, at least, Archie found reassuring. He was right to come to the Beldum first. Before that, though, they had a meeting with the Prinplup to attend. The Oshawott was quite surprised when the next person to show up was Nova. He had not expected to see the chimera back in Frontier Town after their conversation. Their final guest was… Nova again? No, of course not, this was a different chimera, they carried themselves completely differently, and not to mention were no where near as disheveled looking as Nova was. With everything that was going on, Archie had forgotten there were two of the strange chimera in their party…

As for the meat of the day’s meeting… It probably was good that the Marshal wouldn’t be standing for election. The city had been run by a Voclain since its founding, and a clean break would do it some good. He just hoped the new mayor, whoever they turned out to be, would be as willing an ally to them as the Marshal was. There might be a fair amount of trouble for them going forward if someone less tolerant of their presence and the trouble it brought was elected. The Oshawott vaguely recalled that Machoke conspiracy theorist they’d encountered at the Wandering Zera. Hopefully no one like that got elected…

As far as the Marshal’s concerns about the Shadow Pokemon went, well, he couldn’t exactly argue with the Escarpa concerns about Blaguarro. On the other hand, the fact that the response to their concerns was to organize their warriors suggested trouble on the horizon, the kind that got a lot of innocent people hurt.

“The Shadow Drapion that is currently residing in one of your jail cells was originally a feral Skorupi that some of our number encountered in Blaguarro,” Archie said. He probably would’ve left out the bit about how they were likely the cause of it coming all the way here, but he couldn’t exactly blame Steven for wanting to put it all out in the open for the Marshal, “So the Escarpa’s concerns about the place likely aren’t unfounded. And… It does seem like, somehow or another, we’ve caught the eye of whoever it is behind them. It’s possible they’ll continue to send out more Shadows after us.”

Which, this just made him think of Alex again. And the fact that, even though none of them knew it, every single member of their group was likely Shadow Tainted through their connection to the Blaguarro and Haus attack groups through Betel. If they didn’t learn to control this power, they could all very well become dangers to everyone in their own right.
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