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Search results

  1. Hyozanryu

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    9/10. Is awsome, yet evil. :)
  2. Hyozanryu

    The Nickname Game

    Myall, Ninetales
  3. Hyozanryu

    Eeveeloution Game

    -1 Leafeon +1 Flareon
  4. Hyozanryu

    Favorite Opening?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4tYQAFeHVk Which is your favorite opening for pokemon? Mine is #5, then a tie between 4 and 9 (not counting the chronicles opening).
  5. Hyozanryu

    The Great Pokemon Hunt

    Couldn't you have just cloned the chansy? I did. I remember in silver, I was looking for a lickatounge so I could get a moon stone, and eventually, a fire stone. Anyway, I headbutted trees for 5 hours until I remembered that they were only found in a patch of grass in the middle of the pond on...
  6. Hyozanryu

    Do you finish what you start?

    I'm terrible with this. I start to write something, and never finish it. I always say that I will, but I either start on a new story, or leave it for another day. So, what about you; Do you finish what you start?
  7. Hyozanryu

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    8/10. it almost looks as if it's from a N64 kirby game.
  8. Hyozanryu

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    8/10. It's funny to see him like that.
  9. Hyozanryu

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I just went and reserved Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days.
  10. Hyozanryu

    Your Comfort Song

    Broken - Evanescence I'm not sure why, It just helps.
  11. Hyozanryu

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    7/10 I like kirby, but it looks a little odd.
  12. Hyozanryu

    Why do You Write?

    I write to live my imagination, and provide a portal to my dreams. I view the fictional world as a great escape from reality, and dreams as a sacutary, even if they lead to death. One day I wish to live in the world of my mind. In my field of paper flowers And candy clouds of lullaby I lie...
  13. Hyozanryu

    Well, You Thought Wrong

    I used mine on Zapdos. When I fought Groudon the first time, I didn't know it was a ground type, and I killed it with surf. (I thought it was steel or something) I had to save because I had gotton to far to just shut it off.
  14. Hyozanryu

    Hi, I'm Phoenix

    Hi. I'm Phoenix The Cat. I like pokemon, sonic, drawing, and spriting. My favorite pokemon is Persian and my favorite sonic character is Shadow.
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