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Search results

  1. golden999

    What Pokemon are good pets?

    A Zorua would be a good pet, both for pranking my friends and because they're really cute
  2. golden999

    Random Theory I've Got

    Personally, I don't think there should be RSE remakes, considering that FRLG and HGSS were made to allow 1st and 2nd gen pokemon to be compatible with the new generations. Just IMO, though.
  3. golden999

    Strange/Stupid/Amusing Moments in Pokemon Gaming...

    Getting stuck in Chargestone Cave. FOR THREE MONTHS.
  4. golden999

    The Mimic Game

    Butter and Bread are a good combo.
  5. golden999

    Answer A Question With A Question

    What happened to Nintendo?
  6. golden999

    Arcanine or Doomlover?

    Arcanine was originally a legendary. Houndoom, your argument is invalid.
  7. golden999

    Mario Kart Mafia

    Third try getting this up. I noticed that the red and blue shell are princess exclusive. Anyone know what that means?
  8. golden999

    Mario Kart Mafia

    Would DK count as a mario character, even though he is in his own series?
  9. golden999

    Rate the User Title above you!

    6/10. That can't be good.
  10. golden999

    Requests Open AbsentNumeral's Graphics Cafe

    Yes, yes, yes! That came out perfectly.
  11. golden999

    Level 30 Psychiatry (Webcomic)

    I saw you on Bitforums. Kewl comic, by the way.
  12. golden999


    Aha. So it seems like you're like me, in a way. May I suggest competitive Pokemon for you? It definitely seems like you would like it. (Unless you are a troll, of course.)
  13. golden999

    Yo and all that.

    Yo and all that.
  14. golden999

    Name Change - Suggestions?

    I like Cobalt Thunder also. It's easy to say, and just sounds... right.
  15. golden999

    The Bank (2.0)

    Open account with charmander.
  16. golden999

    Requests Open AbsentNumeral's Graphics Cafe

    Dimensions: 300x400 Background: green with swirls of gold. Image: This in the middle, with reshiram and zekrom behind it to the sides. Text: On the top, "I never wanted to be a hero...", and my username on the bottom. Other: none
  17. golden999

    Hunger Games Discussion

    The books, the movie, and anything about Panem.
  18. golden999

    Your Personality?

    Are we brothers? Because that is basically the exact same as my personality.
  19. golden999

    woah, you guys

    In that case, would that mean that, since humans are basically Pokemon, they could breed with Pokemon in the Human-like egg group? Because if it does, I just figured out an amazing fanfic idea.
  20. golden999

    woah, you guys

    So, in other words, you're saying that humans are basically pokemon, but typeless. They also lost their attacks because they are so smart. In that case, wouldn't Alakazam, Metagross, and all the other smart Pokemon lose moves too?
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