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Search results

  1. golden999

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take this one also.
  2. golden999

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    A cockroach would be a good Route 1 pokemon. I was also thinking about a swordsman pokemon. Might require a few new moves though...
  3. golden999

    Attacks seem more powerful in the show than in game?

    Yeah, when Swift misses... NO.
  4. golden999

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 2] Ah. I misunderstood you, and I role claimed. *facepalm* anyway, seeing Phantom could just be random-picking but could also have important info, I urge you guys to at least abstain for today.
  5. golden999

    Open Pokemon Shadow Apocalypse

    "Huh. I guess I have no decision, but I think there's a Psychic-type dragon in the remains of the Pokemon League." Gold was annoyed at Jacen for acting as the leader, but he went with it for now.
  6. golden999


    bump. Here's mine. User: Never gonna give you up. Cleverbot: Never gonna let you down. User: Never gonna go around. Cleverbot: Desert you. User: Never gonna make you cry. Cleverbot: Never gonna say goodbye. User: Never gonna tell a lie. Cleverbot: And hurt you. Yesh.
  7. golden999

    Funny things teachers/ professors have said

    Jesus, that would take OVER 9000! hours to do.
  8. golden999

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 2] Me? Well, now I know that the second name is town, and I'm town also. How can this be? Think about it.
  9. golden999

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 2] A) Look at day 1. Many people doubted me for jumping to conclusions. B):sweatdrop: uhhhhhhh... awkward? C) What makes it suspicious?
  10. golden999

    How many words do you know?

    20,900 words. Very good for a guy that's just starting middle school.
  11. golden999

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 2] Zackrai, did you inspect me yet? If so, who did you compare me to? Anyway, I don't want to start bandwagoning (there's a word I should have used!), considering that I'm a suspect, but have you thought that Phantom is psuedo-fakeclaiming and he's just going to say...
  12. golden999

    Open Pokemon Shadow Apocalypse

    "It just looked like you were having faction tryouts or something", Golden said, looking at the Fraxure. "Out of curiosity, when did you evolve?"
  13. golden999

    Open Pokemon Shadow Apocalypse

    "Am I a little late?" A voice came from the clearing, where Golden the Timburr was sharpening his metal block to give it more sting. He came out, smiling. "Is it just me, or do you guys seem... abnormal, like me?" He threw his makeshift sword in the air, then jumped up, caught it, and landed...
  14. golden999

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 1] The thing about abstaining here is that we normally have no evidence on day 1. However, in this game we do have evidence. But since you guys have made very logical points, I am going to change to abstain for the moment. Although I could see...
  15. golden999

    Dictionary Mafia [Night 4]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia [Day 1] Looking at the words, I see 4 suspects: Defenstrate, Chicanery, Mythopoetize, and Nascent. All of these words seem to have something to do with mafia. For that reason, I am voting Effercon.
  16. golden999

    Acronym Game

    Oh My God It's A Black (market) Pokemon Diamond VJHDFSB
  17. golden999

    Dictionary Mafia [Sign Ups CLOSED]

    Re: Dictionary Mafia Discombobulated.
  18. golden999

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Pidgey (Male) Ability: Keen Eye Link
  19. golden999

    Bank of TCoD

  20. golden999

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Re: What Games Are You Playing? (Redux) Currently working on LoZ: Skyward Sword. I just made it to Deep Woods.
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