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Search results

  1. golden999

    The Attack Editor!

    Dagon used a stone pillar on Great Britain!
  2. golden999

    Moments of Derp

    Guys, isn't this supposed to be about Pokemon video games?
  3. golden999

    The Black Market

    3$ for the pidgey.
  4. golden999

    The Challenge Board

    Take this, I will.
  5. golden999

    (Sign-up)Pokemon: Shadow Apocalypse

    Name: Golden Species: Timburr Altered Appearance (or Fakemon Description): Used a metal block instead of a wood one. Other Details: N/A
  6. golden999

    Extraordinary Moments of Fail

    Halo forge mode. Behind you! BEHIND Y- Seriously? Also, My Pokemon Black battle with Clay. I win on my third try... and just then, the batteries run out. Cue RAEG.
  7. golden999

    Strange/Stupid/Amusing Moments in Pokemon Gaming...

    my first time fighting brock. I was down to my kakuna... and hilarity ensued. KAKUNA used Harden! ONIX used Bide! That went on until I ran out of PP for harden and he killed me with tackle.
  8. golden999

    If you were able to pick the theme for a Pokemon game, what would it be?

    How about a game where you're a trainer on the routes and you get to become a gym leader, then an elite 4 member, and finally the champion. You choose a type you focus on at the start of the game and the final boss is red, who is fighting to become the champ.
  9. golden999

    Requests Open Scratch Sprite Shop (or That Shop with that Spriter who Procrastinates a Lot)

    Name: Meofin Classification: Cat Fish Pokemon Description: It's a cat, except its tail is used to swim, it has fins, and the whiskers are extra long. Height: 2' 11" Weight:32.8 lb Pokémon Type: Water Entry Text: Even though Meofin have very bad eyesight, they use their whiskers to feel their way...
  10. golden999

    Misreadings and stuff

    After reading Over 9000 Garfield comics, I pronounced my best friend Moni's name as Odie.
  11. golden999

    How did you become a Pokémon?

    Re: How did you become a Pokémon? I used Captain Falcon too much in Super Smash Bros. so my PAWNCHing turned me into a Hitmonchan.
  12. golden999

    Answer A Question With A Question

    God, does anyone read the rules anymore?
  13. golden999


    Once, my friend was playing Survival Mode on hard. In that world, every single enemy ignored him. He walked up to a horde of skeletons and they did not acknowledge his presence at all.
  14. golden999

    Hardest Gym Leaders?

    I just restarted my Black game and I took 3 tries to beat Lenora. Stupid Watchog!
  15. golden999


    U herd rong, actually.
  16. golden999

    paul999 vs. Eifie

    Okay, Eifie. Go, Hai! Start off with a Toxic for status, then use Iron Tail. Finish off with a Protect. Toxic - Iron Tail - Protect
  17. golden999

    Hiikaru, about the ponds, do the regular damage calculation, and it takes what would be 25%...

    Hiikaru, about the ponds, do the regular damage calculation, and it takes what would be 25% damage to make a pond. Also, any pokemon can pick up the watering cans and use them to make a pond half-full.
  18. golden999


    exactly how do you sign up for mafia?
  19. golden999

    King of the Hill

    I Faylcawn Pawnch you. My Hill.
  20. golden999

    Suicide Game! =D

    I try to fit that game into my Wii, causing it to explode. I drop Justin Bieber.
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