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Search results

  1. Rossymore

    The Absence Sheet

    Leaving the ASB forever and will not return. Take good care of my team and money. To those interested, I'm going to reside in TPM's ASB...because I typed so. Goodbye to you all, this forum was great
  2. Rossymore

    Bank of TCoD

    Ooh! More money! £6 + £3 = £9
  3. Rossymore

    The Challenge Board

    *shrugs* Why not? Profill
  4. Rossymore

    Referee Headquarters

    Still going for advanced rank, makes more sense than Novice Rank. Crystylla (OOOO) (Seitha) Scyther (F) [Swarm] Health: 48% Energy: 28% Status: Feeling a bit chilly, otherwise fine. Attacks: Fire Blast/Flamethrower/Safeguard ~ Flamethrower/Faint Attack ~ Confuse Ray/Will-o-Wisp/Faint Attack...
  5. Rossymore

    Bank of TCoD

    Moneyz! £0 + £6 = £6
  6. Rossymore

    Team Rocket

    I wouldn't be surprised if Giovanni's closest friends (if he has any) called him 'Don Giovanni' Hey, it fits.
  7. Rossymore

    Kyogre,Groudon,or Rayquaza?

    Groudon, it can keel you!
  8. Rossymore

    Bank of TCoD

    Need money! £0 + £3 = £3. :unsure: I'm...rich?
  9. Rossymore


    Greetings to the cave! Watch out for the Butterfree, she has fangs!
  10. Rossymore

    Referee Headquarters

    :sweatdrop: Ah well, haven't done a reffing for quite a while so I thought I wouldn't make it. I'll try again some other time. Thank you Negrek.
  11. Rossymore

    Naliche eins kaninchen ans dem Wand ich haben.

    Welcome to the forums, I recognised the German immediately.
  12. Rossymore


    You can also say that you are our 1000th member! :grin: Welcome to the forums!
  13. Rossymore

    I hate Nintendo.

    Yay! I love it when people talk about hating events! I've never owned an 'event Pokemon' because I've never heard of events in England plus I can't buy an AR because I don't have enough money won't. I seriously hate events.
  14. Rossymore

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet? An Eevee or a Mr. Mime; Eevee 'cos it's small and cute, plus it could evolve into anything I wanted (7, in fact) and the good old house slave
  15. Rossymore

    PMD3 Explorers of the sky offical box art

    You're not a entire game just yet ES. Woot PMD2.5!
  16. Rossymore

    What pokemon do you never want to evolve?

    Pachirisu...because I want Dawn to suffer
  17. Rossymore

    Favourite Rival?

    Silver is a cold blooded, red haired boy who treats his pokemon like &*&(*^ That's why you've gotta love him! Pearl's a close second, he's called Terry on me Diamond
  18. Rossymore

    Referee Headquarters

    Hmm...time to test out my reffing skills here...Advanced Rank me thinks. Starting Stats opaltiger (OOOO) [Revan] vulpix (F) Health: 10% Energy: 16% 'If I could...almost...uhhh' Condition: Battered and broken. More energetic than she was earlier, but still tired. Determined. (Speed -4)...
  19. Rossymore

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office I'll get this right eventually! [Wormed] Wurmple [M] Ability: Shield Dust To become: [Coccona] Cascoon [M] Ability: Shed Skin Bank post :sweatdrop:
  20. Rossymore

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office The format of my Wurmple? If so: [Wormed] Wurmple [M] Ability: Shield Dust Bank post Please be everything!
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