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Search results

  1. K

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Ill take heracross
  2. K

    CoroCoro to reveal a "surprising" Pokemon in Movie 13

    its probaly gonna be Genesect
  3. K

    Buying, Selling, and Trading Thread

    Ill take your Shiny Shieldon and venusaur for 18$ Darkaura
  4. K

    The Pokemon Academy

    1 12th grade test please
  5. K

    Water Cave

    Ill take 6 pokeballs and a surfboard
  6. K

    Your PC

    Kenken dudes pc Pokemon Male Items none
  7. K


    Thanks for welcoming me everybody. How do i post pics?
  8. K

    The Bank (2.0)

    Ill Join 1 meowth please
  9. K

    Least favorite Pokémon generation?

    Re: Least favorite Pokémon generation? Either the 4th or 5th. Most of their pokemon suck.
  10. K

    Imperial or Metric?

    Imperial Metric hurts me brain lol
  11. K

    When do you start school?

    Exactly one week from today :sad:
  12. K


    Nice art! I like it
  13. K

    Requests Open Scratch Sprite Shop (or That Shop with that Spriter who Procrastinates a Lot)

    I have a request Name: Evil egg Classification: Evil egg Description: A egg with cracks on the shell and eyes sticking out Pokédex Type: One Height: 1 ft Pokémon Type: Dark Psychic
  14. K

    Babelfish...the goblet of funniness

    Lol Babelfish I have not attached the pants to the body!
  15. K

    You Know Your Team Sucks When...

    you know your team sucks when you cant beat a lv1 magikarp
  16. K

    The Pokémon Creation Game

    Re: The Pokémon Creation Game Its a pre evo of Jigglypuff lol
  17. K

    Vending Machine Game

    Re: Vending Machine Game II Out comes a tiny kitty cat in goes a Nuke lol
  18. K

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Jigglypuff because he/shes so cute lol or Grovile
  19. K


    Hi Im new here my names Kenkendude and Ive played the pokemon games and watched the anime since i was i little kid. Btw my favorite pokemon are meowth jigglypuff and grovile
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