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Search results

  1. Wobbles

    Rai Say!

    Rai Say!
  2. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    I have a Bieber bowl. And I know how to use it.
  3. Wobbles

    There may be hope for him yet.

    good point. I think I might have to edit that part.
  4. Wobbles

    There may be hope for him yet.

    Maybe there's nothing wrong with it, but it'll be more fun living with another one in the house instead of relying on my friends at school.
  5. Wobbles

    There may be hope for him yet.

    Alrighty, see, my step-brother, is a non-nerdy type (doesn't really play Pokemon, or yugioh, or anything similar.) But, recently my friend got him into yugioh (he and I set up a deck each and dueled a couple times.) And I've convinced him to come to an anime club party that's going on the...
  6. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    "And this, children, is why blackface has been deemed politically incorrect."
  7. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    That unicorn must have "annoy" magic!
  8. Wobbles


  9. Wobbles


    Good God! Probably fake though. Where did you see it?
  10. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    DARKAURA used UPROAR! It doesn't affect the enemy POKEMON...
  11. Wobbles

    Favorite Video Games Quotes

    This isn't really just the quote, but also the situation. I was playing LG, and walked past a lass (I was the boy trainer, by the way.), on the way to Mt. Moon. I decided to battle her, so I went up behind her, and pressed A. "Eek! Did you just touch me?" I had a good laughing fit for that one...
  12. Wobbles

    If it was Harry Potter I would be an adult now

    Not that AO titles are ever sold in mainstream gaming shops. (I know there are some that have been sold in the US (i.e. the extremely sexist "The Guy Game"), but most AO titles are not sold in stores such as Gamestop).
  13. Wobbles


    I'm sorry, I know this is off-topic, but this just pisses me off. You're being racist, you know that? Stereotyping Americans as arrogant is just as bad as saying something like, oh, I don't know... EVERYTHING IN THIS SONG. Just... Don't. It makes people angry, and it's just not okay, okay? ON...
  14. Wobbles

    If it was Harry Potter I would be an adult now

    Hey, know what else you can do? Buy M-rated games!
  15. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

  16. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    Alright, who let fluffy dig under the tree?
  17. Wobbles

    Spoooooooooooooky Mansion

    No, sound isn't required for the Dream World at all. It's just something to boost the atmosphere.
  18. Wobbles

    Caption the Avatar Above You

  19. Wobbles

    Pokémon Improvement Thread

    Re: Pokémon Improvement Thread I thought that this was done in DPP, with the Journal? At least, the words part. No pictures then. What I would personally like to see in the games is the "upstairs" portion of the Pokemon Centers GONE. The advent of the C-Gear proves that it's possible to battle...
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