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Search results

  1. Wobbles

    Spoooooooooooooky Mansion

    Well, as some know, yesterday, the US (at least) got a new area in the Dream World, known as the Spooky Mansion. It has primarily Ghost and Psychic types, including Wobbuffet! :D (I know the ability sucks, but hey, Wobbuffet are awesome anyway, right?) Anyway, what are your guys' thoughts on the...
  2. Wobbles

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    "What? BUTTERFREE is evolving!"
  3. Wobbles

    My Little Pony

    And now my brain is infested with TF2 ponies.
  4. Wobbles

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  5. Wobbles

    My Little Pony

    I have just one question. Who would be Pinky? I vote Heavy.
  6. Wobbles

    Hardest Gym Leaders?

    RBY: I never really had problems with the normal Gen I games, but since I was an idiot when I had Yellow, I couldn't beat Giovanni AT ALL. GSC: Fucking Bugsy! Scyther just goes all out Fury Cutter, and the only easy way to stop it is to train a Geodude. RSE: I'm finding Tate and Liza to be...
  7. Wobbles

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    Pawn Broker, how much is this heavy shield worth?
  8. Wobbles

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    I think most people do have it, but they don't list it, because it's always going to be there, whenever you play a Gen. II game. There isn't going to be a random normal Gyarados when you talk to it in the Lake of Rage.
  9. Wobbles

    Least favorite Pokémon generation?

    Re: Least favorite Pokémon generation? It's fine, it's just I have a pet peeve for people that try to make decisions for me. Since I'm almost six feet and bulky, almost everyone tries to get to play American football, but I find no interest in the sport.
  10. Wobbles

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  11. Wobbles

    Least favorite Pokémon generation?

    Re: Least favorite Pokémon generation? I think maybe you should have worded it like this, "To put it simply, Gen V failed to live up to my expectations in many, many aspects." Seriously, you can't speak for a lot of people who mostly have differing opinions.
  12. Wobbles

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    "Although almost never found, this new kind of grenade in Mass Effect 3 can instantly spawn amazingly amazing Wobbuffet with the ability "Monocle". Look! There's one now!"
  13. Wobbles

    Least favorite Pokémon generation?

    Re: Least favorite Pokémon generation? I do apologize, but I politely disagree. Now for my least favorite generation of Pokemon... I really don't like the first Gen., if only because the games themselves are so limited compared to what I'm used to. (I started in Gen. III) The region and...
  14. Wobbles

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    Don't look in it's eyes, or it will stea- ZOMG SOOOOOO ADORABLE~~~!!
  15. Wobbles

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    Seeing how adorable it is, you wouldn't think that it's a dark type.
  16. Wobbles

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    Hey guys! No matter what way you look at it, it doesn't change the look...
  17. Wobbles

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    "I have a question! Am I sitting and leaning back, or am I laying down and leaning up?"
  18. Wobbles

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    Well, all of the shinies that I remember seeing are as follows: -Red Gyarados X2 (Silver and SS.) -Green Mewtwo (FR, I was a stupid kid and only now realize my tragic mistake of not catching it.) -Yellow Geodude (Diamond, accidentally got deleted) -Pink Wooper (Also Diamond, but different file...
  19. Wobbles


    Well, I've had a couple strangely romantic dreams in the past few weeks or so. But first, some background. The girl in Dream #1, I liked for both of my middle school years, and when we went to different high schools, I had a bunch of feelings bottled up. I poured my heart out into a letter...
  20. Wobbles

    PC or 3DS?

    I don't think you finished reading. I can run Minecraft, but it's on Normal view, with fast graphics, and it still lags sometimes. I want to be able to be on Fancy graphics and playable. But yeah, I've made my decision, I just was wondering which the tcod people would choose. (I'm getting the...
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