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Search results

  1. glitchedgamer

    I Have Returned.

    It's frikkin' amazing how fast some of you guys rack up your post counts lol. Also, thank you.
  2. glitchedgamer

    Discussion about rom hacks okay?

    I originally did think this was a discussion thread and responded accordingly. I edited my message to fix my mistake. Guess I should have clarified on that...
  3. glitchedgamer

    Discussion about rom hacks okay?

    Wait, this is in the help section. Derp.
  4. glitchedgamer

    Arcanine or Doomlover?

    Houndoom, hands down. Possibly my favorite Pokemon.
  5. glitchedgamer

    You laugh, you Lose part 2!

    The girlfriend just sent me this. http://www.tumblr.com/reblog/25968296298/ulWmqBYS?redirect_to=%2Fdashboard
  6. glitchedgamer

    What are you reading? II

    Bioshock: Rapture. It's basically a novelized prologue to the events in the first two Bioshock games. MUCH better than I expected from a video game based novel, but Bioshock always had a great story. After this I plan on finally reading the Lord of the Rings books.
  7. glitchedgamer

    I Have Returned.

    Thoroughly enjoying the culinary delights.
  8. glitchedgamer

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    *Wild BELLSPROUT used WRAP!* *BELLSPROT's WRAP continues!* *BELLSPROT's WRAP continues!* *BELLSPROT's WRAP continues!* *BELLSPROT's WRAP continues!* *Wild BELLSPROUT used WRAP!* Ah, the good old days...
  9. glitchedgamer

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Re: What Games Are You Playing? (Redux) Well, I finally decided to play Wind Waker, and the disc stopped being read by both my Wii and Gamecube. So much for that. I've mostly been playing Skyrim, Pokemon Blue, Metroid II, and Little Ninja Brothers (NES).
  10. glitchedgamer

    What the HELL is Nintendo Doing?

    Assassin's Creed III is the one gem in the launch. I may be overreacting, but I am honestly worried for Nintendo's future.
  11. glitchedgamer

    What the HELL is Nintendo Doing?

    So Nintendo just revealed this thing. That is the 3DS XL (3DS LL in Japan). Basically, it is a redesign of the 3DS with a larger screen. Big deal, right? Well, to me it is. Just last week, Miyamoto said that he believed that no 3DS redesign was planned and that instead Nintendo was working...
  12. glitchedgamer

    Most Anticipated Upcoming Albums

    It was Kreator's Phantom Antichrist, but that came out a few weeks ago. Now it would have to be Testament's Dark Roots of Earth, which is out in July, and Blut Aus Nord's Cosmosophy.
  13. glitchedgamer

    Rate the song above you

    4/10 To me, Katatonia has been writing the same album for over a decade now. I was hoping Dead End Kings would change that, but I guess not. The song isn't bad, it's just... boring. Flat. Uninteresting. Katatonia - Without God THIS is the Katatonia I will always love.
  14. glitchedgamer

    Rate the song above you

    9/10 I love classic MDB. The newer stuff just doesn't click with me, but this song is a masterpiece. Also check out Secrets of the Moon if you want more black metal for people who don't like black metal. SubRosa - Attack on the Golden Mountain Can't really describe this one. Just drift through...
  15. glitchedgamer

    Rate the song above you

    8/10. Not my usual cup of tea, but these songs were quite chilling in a good way. I will have to check out more of this guy's work. Blut Aus Nord - The Howling of God I'll keep the theme of scary songs going. BAN have quickly become one of my favorite bands because of the sonic...
  16. glitchedgamer

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I was really disappointed to see they were going with Fire/Fighting again. Disappointment turned to rage when I saw Emboar.
  17. glitchedgamer

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Well technically I live in an outlying suburb lol.
  18. glitchedgamer

    I've been well for the most part. How's life been treating ya?

    I've been well for the most part. How's life been treating ya?
  19. glitchedgamer

    R/B/Y Death of R/B/Y

    Gold's battery died on me... That was a sad day as that was my first Pokemon game ever. My Blue cart is still kickin' though, thankfully.
  20. glitchedgamer

    Yeah, you were Metallica Fanboy and we had that ASB together.

    Yeah, you were Metallica Fanboy and we had that ASB together.
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