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Search results

  1. Falthor

    我对中国的印象! (Image-Heavy)

    'Tis a Swellow, Negs. I'm sorry to make my reply brief after your long post, but I have people to do and things to see. Welcome back to the States. Hope you had fun in China. Why did you go there in the first place, anyway? It seems you were part of a foreign-exchange student sort of thing...
  2. Falthor

    Web Resources

    I'm thinking of starting my text-based RPG. I hate Invisionfree, desire vBulletin but cannot afford it, and want to use something similar to vB. What forum provider do you recommend I use for the RPG, and could you help me with MySQL (or whatever I shall need to host the forum)? Sorry, I'm...
  3. Falthor

    The Order of the White Lotus

    The series is over. Enough said. I hate people coming up with fake theories about the series' ending because it's over and that's enough to know.
  4. Falthor

    Moves that are the wrong type

    Tri Attack should be a ??? type, varying between Electric, Ice, and Fire, making it much more difficult to see what type will be used.
  5. Falthor

    The "We who don't care how many posts we have" club

    Fan Fiction. Entertainment. Misc. Discussion. Meep. Add me. Now. xD
  6. Falthor

    Post your voice.

    Tailsy, your laugh is adorable. I love it. :3 And your voice is awesome.
  7. Falthor

    The Order of the White Lotus

    Who knocks at the guarded gate? Yes, this club is dedicated solely to the Nickelodeon program Avatar: The Last Airbender. Albeit a children's show, this anime-styled, martial arts adventure is the only program I care to watch on that stupid channel. With an eclectic mix of drama, martial...
  8. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    No shit. What do you think I've been doing? Going the opposite way? I'm not fast enough to outrun it to that area. I keep running there, and I see a cutscene of Lloyd falling with a nice 256 above him. Again. And again. And again. And again. I lost tons of HP being crushed, and there...
  9. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    I would like membership, please. Uh, yeah, I'm coming here for help. xD I'm stuck in the Mine, and I cannot outrun that boulder. Before you say, "Use Lloyd's EX Skill," I have, but I still can't outrun it. I've lost over 10,000 HP to that rock. I've done it endlessly, and gotten nowhere...
  10. Falthor

    The Tales Series

    You need to read my posts to the end. The last sentence showed that I know of it, but I also wrote that it is confusing and cheating.
  11. Falthor

    Where did you get your avatar?

    Google Search. Chicka chicka yeah.
  12. Falthor

    The Tales Series

    Yeah, I beat him. It was a pain in the ass, but I beat him. I used Raine herself and guarded my allies with Sharpness, Field Barrier, and whatnot. All that for a fuckin' EX Gem Level 3 and a Life Bottle. Weak. >< TONS of Experience, though. That game is addicting and fun, but I'm...
  13. Falthor

    The Tales Series

    Discuss all of the Tales games (both the Japanese and English versions) here, get advice, advise, and discuss all sorts of things about the series in this thread. I seriously need help in Tales of Symphonia.
  14. Falthor

    I see.

    I see.
  15. Falthor

    Ask AK

    AK, who are you?
  16. Falthor

    Yes, that was a compliment. Hm, now I can tell you're fifteen.

    Yes, that was a compliment. Hm, now I can tell you're fifteen.
  17. Falthor

    All right man. Thanks. I still can't believe you were the guy who was banned constantly and...

    All right man. Thanks. I still can't believe you were the guy who was banned constantly and made a mod, just like Josh on SPPf, if you go on that forum. And you're 15! Jesus, that's impressive, because you didn't even sound fifteen (in the tone of your posts, I mean).
  18. Falthor

    I do! I remember speaking to you on occasion.

    I do! I remember speaking to you on occasion.
  19. Falthor

    AK, you're a vet, right? Is it true that there's a TCoD Chatroom? I want the link to it, if...

    AK, you're a vet, right? Is it true that there's a TCoD Chatroom? I want the link to it, if you know what it is. I want to join it. Thanks man.
  20. Falthor

    I know you?

    I know you?
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