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Search results

  1. Togetic

    Hmmm. Try pull off an ASB style Smeargle-Magikarp sweep.

    Hmmm. Try pull off an ASB style Smeargle-Magikarp sweep.
  2. Togetic

    Uhh, AHBE only allows moves of the same type iirc. Im planning on spending $30 to make it a...

    Uhh, AHBE only allows moves of the same type iirc. Im planning on spending $30 to make it a dragon thats not a dragon.
  3. Togetic

    Togetic vs Psymon

    Manzikert gets two EXP yeah?
  4. Togetic

    Yaayyy thanks. Now just to remember May 23.

    Yaayyy thanks. Now just to remember May 23.
  5. Togetic

    Well of course! Togekiss is the most awesome thing since sliced bread.

    Well of course! Togekiss is the most awesome thing since sliced bread.
  6. Togetic

    Sunnenrain Berry Mart [berry bags now available!]

    Re: Sunnenrain Berry Mart I rather like that speedo-thingo. Salac Berry please. Here's ma coupon.
  7. Togetic

    The Black Market

    Would you accept $21 for the Rotom?
  8. Togetic

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Yum B-day prezzie. [Alnwick] Magikarp (M) <Swift Swim>
  9. Togetic

    Bank of TCoD

    Okay can I actually get my allowance now =( I'm known as DarthWaffles on the Reffing monies thingy. 4 + 21 + 8 + 3 = 36
  10. Togetic

    Bank of TCoD

    I used to be called DarthWaffles. Name Change. Sorry, should have made that clear. And in case I need to: 4 + 21 + 3 = $28
  11. Togetic

    Leviathan, I am your..BROTHER. And I really should get back to studying. Thanks alot for the...

    Leviathan, I am your..BROTHER. And I really should get back to studying. Thanks alot for the gift =D.
  12. Togetic

    Bank of TCoD

    4 + 21 + 3 = $28 Nice I managed to log on in time =D
  13. Togetic

    I have a Science, Mathematics, Language Conventions, Writing, Reading, and another Numeracy...

    I have a Science, Mathematics, Language Conventions, Writing, Reading, and another Numeracy exam. In that order. Over 5 frickin days. Waiting for what to be approved?
  14. Togetic

    Happy Birthday, my ASB opponent.

    Happy Birthday, my ASB opponent.
  15. Togetic

    Happy birthday =D

    Happy birthday =D
  16. Togetic

    Haha, don't worry. I probably won't have much time online to pick it up anyway. Stupid end of...

    Haha, don't worry. I probably won't have much time online to pick it up anyway. Stupid end of semester exams -_-.
  17. Togetic

    Pal Park

    Sitrus please.
  18. Togetic

    Suicide Game! =D

    Do I even need to explain how I die...? Its explosive, mmk? I drop a large campfire.
  19. Togetic

    Pal Park

    Mwahahahaha, I love favouritism. Taken.
  20. Togetic


    Sure, why not. Togetic was taken =(
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