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Search results

  1. Togetic


  2. Togetic

    thunder vs. Patar

    The referee put the sledgehammer away, wiping sweat off his brow and glad that the Diglett could finally be recalled and the battle could proceed. As the mole disappeared in a beam of translucent red light, a floating one-eyed magnet, with screw on either side of it, staring blankly at his...
  3. Togetic

    Bank of TCoD

    $47 - $30 = $17 Yeah. GOGOGOGO TAKEDOWN
  4. Togetic

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Huh. Lets buy a Beldum! [Ascalon]Beldum (X) Ability: Clear Body Move Mod: None Body Mod: None Bankkkkk
  5. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Darksong

    Alright Fulford, here's what we'll be doing. If possible, move to her neck and bite down as hard you can. That's basically Crunch for all three actions. You can feel around a bit, so that accuracy drop won't matter too much. But, its that not possible, first use Odor Sleuth to get rid of that...
  6. Togetic

    Give me your opinion, plz.

    Shoddy is alright I suppose. I use it for most of my competitive battling needs. Although I find myself on NetBattle Supremacy a lot more now, despite that it's far less popular. I simply can't be bothered actually getting those perfect IVs ingame.
  7. Togetic

    Its my favourite GD song,

    Its my favourite GD song,
  8. Togetic

    One..twenty one guns, Lay down your arms, give up the fight. One..twenty one guns, throw up...

    One..twenty one guns, Lay down your arms, give up the fight. One..twenty one guns, throw up your arms, into the sky, You and I.
  9. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Darksong

    Oh really? Sorry about that then, here are the commands. Huh, lets experiment a little. Go for three Crunches. If she tries to status you in any way, go for a 16% Substitute, or if thats impossible, a Safeguard works too. Only once of course. Crunch/Subs (16%)/Safeguard ~ Crunch/Subs...
  10. Togetic

    thunder vs. Patar

    As the hail continued rain over the battlefield, all trainers on the field had already moved under the sheltered cove that the referee had already used during the rainstorm. In fact, only one participant was even enjoying the blistering hail, the Spheal who had brought the hail on. He seemed to...
  11. Togetic

    Bank of TCoD

    C'est nice, C'est nice. $37 + 3 + $7 = $47
  12. Togetic

    Huh. Suddenly I'm at a lack of things to do. I guess I'll go buy a Beldum to play around with. =D

    Huh. Suddenly I'm at a lack of things to do. I guess I'll go buy a Beldum to play around with. =D
  13. Togetic

    Sure, why not. I'll just have to wait for a giant watery dragon then. Haha.

    Sure, why not. I'll just have to wait for a giant watery dragon then. Haha.
  14. Togetic

    Computer Terminal

    Using Hastings to withdraw the Magikarp I got for ma birthday. Profile.
  15. Togetic

    The Challenge Board

    Hey hey! I'm in. I SHOULD be able to accept, I have two active battles and one awaiting ref, but I'm reffing a battle..so.. Yeah. If not, I'll just ditch my battle with Brock. Cause thats been there for like..ever. Profile.
  16. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Darksong

    Ughh, I'm pretty screwed aren't I? Oh well, lets go, Fulford..
  17. Togetic

    $%^& Yeah Green Day!

    $%^& Yeah Green Day!
  18. Togetic

    Generation I

    I always love how people say Gen I is better. Because Magnemite -> Magneton is more original than Snorunt -> Froslass. Okay, sure there isn't much connection, but at least it isn't the same crap, just tripled.
  19. Togetic

    How many Pusedo-legendary do you have?

    All of them? Most people have all of them.
  20. Togetic

    On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone...

    On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone. (I do presume thats your message-thingys origin)
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