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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Give me your opinion, plz.


They always fall for the eyes!
I want do know, what does the tCOD forums think about Shoddy Battle? Recently, I've been doing shoddy more than the games, and it made me wonder whether the forum supported it. So tell me, do you like shoddy battle, or not?
Shoddy is alright I suppose. I use it for most of my competitive battling needs. Although I find myself on NetBattle Supremacy a lot more now, despite that it's far less popular.

I simply can't be bothered actually getting those perfect IVs ingame.
I like Shoddy for testing teams but I wouldn't spend ages battling on Shoddy (or Netbattle) just for the sake of getting wins, if that made sense.
Shoddy is alright I suppose. I use it for most of my competitive battling needs. Although I find myself on NetBattle Supremacy a lot more now, despite that it's far less popular.

I simply can't be bothered actually getting those perfect IVs ingame.

Exactly this. Hacking Pokémon makes me feel cheap compared to those who legit-breed their Pokémon and stuff, so yeah. =|
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