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  1. Togetic

    Huh. That sounds brilliant. Except I'd have to ditch a battle for the moment, since I have one...

    Huh. That sounds brilliant. Except I'd have to ditch a battle for the moment, since I have one slot open, and thats for my Magikarp battle against Steele. On second thought, I'll ditch my battle with Brock, since this will basically replace it. Yeah, I'm up.
  2. Togetic

    Yeah. Theres a big "Message has been deleted by Blackthorne Steele" sign.

    Yeah. Theres a big "Message has been deleted by Blackthorne Steele" sign.
  3. Togetic

    Its not. I just thought it was awesome.

    Its not. I just thought it was awesome.
  4. Togetic


    Half Christian - Half Scien....Yeah It's my own religion, where I believe a higher deity (God) triggered the Big Bang, triggered the volcanic eruptions and such and such, all the way up to today. However, this deity has no morality, and is therefore completely neutral. Why yes I am screwed up.
  5. Togetic

    I just realized. I've yet to thank you for that lovely Salac Berry. Thanks =D

    I just realized. I've yet to thank you for that lovely Salac Berry. Thanks =D
  6. Togetic

    Six times. Imagine doing that in real life. And you're a politician for some odd reason. And...

    Six times. Imagine doing that in real life. And you're a politician for some odd reason. And you're in the middle of a four hour speech. And you feel compelled to repeat it six times. This might also be relevant.
  7. Togetic

    TRIPLE COMBO. Is your internet being shifty or something?

    TRIPLE COMBO. Is your internet being shifty or something?
  8. Togetic

    YAY PARTIES. And I seriously need to go write up that Magikarp battle arena.

    YAY PARTIES. And I seriously need to go write up that Magikarp battle arena.
  9. Togetic


    I think I have a kinda Australian, although I can hardly tell anymore.
  10. Togetic

    The party don't start till I walk in. [/kesha] You need more EV training to get an attack stat...

    The party don't start till I walk in. [/kesha] You need more EV training to get an attack stat. And you totally used a TM to get it before learning it by level up.
  11. Togetic

    Well, here Down Under where giant rats jump, it IS your birthday. You just leveled up in real...

    Well, here Down Under where giant rats jump, it IS your birthday. You just leveled up in real life. Blackthorne grew to level 13! HP + 0 Attack + 0 Defense + 0 Speed + 0 Sp. Attack + 0 Sp. Defense + 0 Blackthorne is trying to learn Puberty! But Blackthorn can't learn more than four moves...
  12. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Eonrider (Ref: Negrek)

    Huh. That didn't go awfully well. Nothing we can do about that. Lets get some more stall going on. Hypnosis to start the round off, and keep using it until it hits. However, if the opponent goes under a Safeguard, Substitute or otherwise couldn't be hit by Hypnosis, switch to Payback, always...
  13. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Darksong

    Huh. All we can do now is stall it out a little longer. Bronzor, WHY CAN YOU NOT WTFBOOM? Go for a Trick Room on the first action as she uses Calm Mind. If you get para/confusion owned, don't worry about it. Try again on the Shadow Ball, then Endure on the second. If you do get a trick room on...
  14. Togetic

    Bank of TCoD

    $10 + $6 + $21 = $37
  15. Togetic

    Your birthday present is in the Center. Go claim it. Happy Birthday!

    Your birthday present is in the Center. Go claim it. Happy Birthday!
  16. Togetic

    The Birthday Center

    Huh, well today's the day. Blackthorne, here's the kinda repayment for that Magikarp. [They see me wallin', They hatin']Bronzor (X) Ability: Levitate Move Mod: None Body Mod: None Approvals here btw.
  17. Togetic


  18. Togetic

    thunder vs. Patar

    The referee quickly thanked the firemen for their help in removing the boulders blocking Kira, and returned his eyes to the battlefield. Whilst he was busy trying to explain what the trainers were doing in such a desolate place, Kira's trainer had already sent out his next pokemon. Said pokemon...
  19. Togetic

    Pokémon In Need of Critiquing

    Re: Pokémon In Need of Critiquing Are these guys part of an Uber team? If so, Luke and Empoleon are horrible choices.
  20. Togetic

    Breaking? What? At the moment, I can get on it just fine....

    Breaking? What? At the moment, I can get on it just fine....
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