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Pokémon In Need of Critiquing

Blue Aura

The Spider Under the Leaves
Pokémon In Need of Critiquing

I need some feedback on some of my (favorite) Pokémon that I have in SoulSilver. Here they are (notice they are all blue...awkward):

Nature: Modest
Ability: Steadfast
Item: Expert Belt
Water Pulse
Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon

Nature: Modest
Item: Leftovers
Hydro Pump

Nature: Modest
Item: Soul Dew
Dragon Pulse
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam

Nature: Modest
Item: Quick Claw
Grass Knot
Ice Beam
Flash Cannon
Hydro Pump

I know I have a problem or two...Please speak up!
Re: Pokémon In Need of Critiquing

My debut of critiquing. :O

I need some feedback on some of my (favorite) Pokémon that I have in SoulSilver. Here they are (notice they are all blue...awkward):

Nature: Modest
Ability: Steadfast
Item: Expert Belt
Water Pulse
Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon

The only thing I would change is the item. A Choice Scarf or Choice Band would be more useful

Nature: Modest
Item: Leftovers
Hydro Pump

Lugia? Special sweeper? Pfff. Lugia is better suited as a wall/staller, so switch Modest for Calm. Throw out Hydro Pump and Psychic/Aeroblast (I'd keep Aeroblast because it is just a stronger attack and still gets STAB, but you might prefer to keep Psychic instead.) Next, put either Toxic or Thunder Wave in one of the free slots and put Reflect/Light Screen in the other. Leftovers are good.

Nature: Modest
Item: Soul Dew
Dragon Pulse
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam

Soul Dew Latios is banned in competitive battling. Overall it looks good, but replace Soul Dew with a Choice Scarf/Band, unless Soul Dew Latios aren't banned where you're fighting.

Nature: Modest
Item: Quick Claw
Grass Knot
Ice Beam
Flash Cannon
Hydro Pump

Quick Claw is a "hax item" to most and is therefore banned. Replace with a Choice Band. And Surf might be a better idea, just so a missed attack doesn't cause you to fail.

I know I have a problem or two...Please speak up!

Anothes thing is that you don't have a single physical sweeper! If you come up against a Blissey, you've got no one to throw in! I suggest you put one in, just so special walls don't kill you. :P
Re: Pokémon In Need of Critiquing

Err...I was just checking the potential for these Pokémon, not putting them in a match all together. I'm not that crazy... :blank:
Re: Pokémon In Need of Critiquing

I need some feedback on some of my (favorite) Pokémon that I have in SoulSilver. Here they are (notice they are all blue...awkward):

Nature: Modest
Ability: Steadfast
Item: Expert Belt
Water Pulse
Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon

water pulse is a horrible move. steel and psychic are horrible offensive types. go with either shadow ball or dragon pulse for perfect coverage (shadow ball is usually preferred, iirc). vacuum wave is often used, because lucario doesn't have anything interesting to use. calm mind and life orb, maybe agility, or hidden power rock/ice and a choice item.

Nature: Modest
Item: Leftovers
Hydro Pump

either aeroblast or ice beam and roost or recover are given. psychic and hydro pump are bad ideas. usually CM on attackers, and the last move can be one of its other offensive options. usually earth power or ice beam.


Nature: Modest
Item: Soul Dew
Dragon Pulse
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam

see soul dew clause. dragon pulse + surf for perfect coverage bar empoleon and shedinja. (hp fire for those two.) roost or recover, and calm mind. you should almost always be using timid max speed on latias.

Nature: Modest
Item: Quick Claw
Grass Knot
Ice Beam
Flash Cannon
Hydro Pump

I know I have a problem or two...Please speak up!

quick claw is bad. steel is horrible offensively. surf is usually better than hydro pump.

subpetaya is fairly nice, or specs. Surf + Ice Beam / Grass Knot forms the base of its attacks.
Re: Pokémon In Need of Critiquing

Nature: Modest
Ability: Steadfast
Item: Expert Belt
Water Pulse
Aura Sphere
Flash Cannon

What. Water Pulse is bad, Psychic has bad coverage overall, you;d much rather have a Hidden Power here. Ice is a good idea, it deals with dragons. Expert Belt is okay, but there are better options, such as a Choice Specs/Scarf. Vacuum Wave or CC are also nice moves to chuck on.

Nature: Modest
Item: Leftovers
Hydro Pump

Ewww Uber. Anyway. Roost > Recover, it lets Lugia shed its Ice/Rock weakness for a turn. Surf ? Hydro Pump, 5/8PP is hardly enough for a defensive pokemon. Psychic is bad cause crappy coverage, and Ae3roblast has too little PP once again. Ice Beam would be smart.

Nature: Modest
Item: Soul Dew
Dragon Pulse
Shadow Ball
Ice Beam

Latios + Soul Dew = Uber. Psychic is crap coverage, Pulse is okay, Shadow Ball and Ice Beam are alright. I'd say Thunderbolt here somewhere, it gives you an answer to Water Types carrying Ice Beam.

Nature: Modest
Item: Quick Claw
Grass Knot
Ice Beam
Flash Cannon
Hydro Pump

Quick Claw? Its usually frowned upon, but okay. Grass Knot doesn't help Empoleon that much, there are better choices. Flash Cannon isn't that good, despite STAB, so I'd go with something like Substitute and Agility over those two slots. Put a Petaya Berry on it too. So you can Agility on something that's forced to switch, Sub down to the Petaya, and rape some stuff.

Are these guys part of an Uber team? If so, Luke and Empoleon are horrible choices.
Re: Pokémon In Need of Critiquing

Umm...I'm just checking the potential of each Pokémon individually. This isn't a team.
Re: Pokémon In Need of Critiquing

I'm sorry, I don't have much experience or authority in this department, but, then why are you posting in the competitive battling forums?
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