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Search results

  1. silverfur

    Warriors Fan Club

    *growl* please? I cant find it and its really cool..cant you just quote?? = /
  2. silverfur

    special songs

    lol thanks
  3. silverfur

    special songs

    MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE~ welcome to the black parade. this song has a very special meaning to me... dj ironik~stay with me..makes me cry every time i hear it.. wyclef jean~sweetest girl(i love you ross! you will forever be missed!)whats your special song?
  4. silverfur

    Warriors Fan Club

    i cant find it!!! D =
  5. silverfur

    What would you do if you could?

    be able to see my mate lonestar~be able to shapeshift into anything..
  6. silverfur

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    you want me to post again?? ( i wont eat you....im just a lil frustrated at this rp..)
  7. silverfur

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    I JUST POSTED!!!!! jeez...right under butter boos post.
  8. silverfur

    Warriors Fan Club

    oh? whats that? the whole river clan thing..time of leopardstar thing?
  9. silverfur

    Nervous Habits

    when im bored ill pick at the split ends of my hair..
  10. silverfur

    oh? whats your user name on the site? mines moonsingingsilverfur thats for the wq site not the game

    oh? whats your user name on the site? mines moonsingingsilverfur thats for the wq site not the game
  11. silverfur

    Level Up Your Adoptables

    the eggs on the scroll need hatching!! please! the white ones special!!
  12. silverfur

    Which video game song do you think is the best ever?

    anything from zelda!
  13. silverfur

    What is your school like?

    like it? I LOVE it. my freshman year the first day they made us feel SOO welcome. they had a Assembly just for us freshmen and they made us do silly stuff. of course having your eighth grade class there helps too. and the people are still friendly. sadly there are alot of populars at school...
  14. silverfur

    The 0_o thread

    I said to the air when I was thinking of my bf 'I love you' and 2 seconds later i get a text saying 'I love you too' he was two cities away at the time...
  15. silverfur

    Warriors Fan Club

    what are we talking about here? the books? i love the whole series!
  16. silverfur

    You are a...

    I am a 'dainty punk who likes to spill coffee on underwear' 'mushy stud muffin who likes to steal firemen' 'polite rat who likes to empty divas' 'macrophilic airport that likes to breed orcas '
  17. silverfur

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    Silverfur howled angry and upset that she was alone as realization of the night before finally worked its way back to her mind. She was the lone survivor of the crystalmoon pack, far as she knew anyway. she stepped slowly away from the pool of water and stared across the field her eyes filled...
  18. silverfur

    Requests Open Zuea Pokemon Mixs

    hi risa! is that risa? zuea?
  19. silverfur

    <a href="http://dragcave.net/viewdragon/B1Q1"><img src="http://dragcave.net/image/B1Q1.gif"...

    <a href="http://dragcave.net/viewdragon/B1Q1"><img src="http://dragcave.net/image/B1Q1.gif" style="border-width: 0" alt="Adopt one today!"/></a>
  20. silverfur

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    lying on her back in the sunny meadow silverfur yawned. getting to her feet she headed to the brook that was near by to get a drink.
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