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Warriors Fan Club

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Unrelated crap: I've made two Warriors zodiacs for the heck of it, a Dark River one and a Long Shadows one.

In the first, I am Season of SkyClan, Month of Cloudstar and Day of Nightfur. I swear that was not intentional.

In the second, I am Season of RiverClan, Time of Leopardstar, Day of Willowkit.

*random advertising*
In the first, I'm Season of Riverlan, Month of Riverstar (:D), Day of Dapplepelt. (I think s/he was medicine cat so :D)

In the second I'm Season of WindClan (:D :D), Time of Tallstar (my cat :D), Day of Gorsetail.

We refer to my cat, Bunny, as Tallstar because they look similar and Bunny's ANCIENT.
1. I'm Season of WindClan (duh :D), Month of Tallstar, Day of Deadfoot.
Perfect for my bunion.

2. Season of ShadowClan, Time of Blackstar, Day of Tigerpaw
Yay <3
1. Season of ThunderClan, month of Firestar, day of Ashfur. ...I hate Ashfur.

2. Season of ThunderClan, month of Firestar, day of Sorrelkit.
Season of ShadowClan, month of Raggedstar, day of Cloudpelt.
Yay, ShadowClan..?

Season of ShadowClan, month of Raggedstar, day of Tallpoppy.
Hmmm. =]

First: Season of the "Other Groups" [ 0_o ], Month of BloodClan [ >=D ], Day of Ice [ ...? ]

Second: Season of SkyClan [ Oh, yes. ], Time of Leafstar [ omg I'm instantly awesome =D ], Day of Cherrypaw [ >=D ]

Comments in bold brackets =]

~Until next time
1. Day of Stonekit, Month of Crookedstar, Season of RiverClan
2. Day of Heathertail, Time of Onestar, Season of WindClan

Not bad~~
First: Season of RiverClan, Month of Leopardstar, Day of Stormfur.

Meh, not bad.

Second: Season of RiverClan(Again!?), Month of Crookedstar, Day of Mistyfoot.

I like Mistyfoot and Crookedstar's my second favourite leader so yay:)
Oh, there are two? The one I posted earlier was the Long Shadows one. My Dark River one is...

Season of ThunderClan, month of Firestar, day of Lionkit

Dark River: Day of Minnowpaw, Month of Leopardstar, Season of RiverClan
Meh. I don't really like RiverClan.

Long Shadows: Day of Splashpaw, Time of Leopardstar, Season of RiverClan

I seriously wanted Jan. 2 on the ls zodiac. I MADE UP THAT NAME (Owlstar) BEFORE I EVEN READ SotHC. SERIOUSLY.
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