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Search results

  1. Kabigon

    Platinum Discussion

    I'm just glad that they fixed the sprites. Especially the Electivire and Snorlax ones. They just appeared to be... sitting there doing nothing. Now they have them where they look like they are about to show their power. I absolutely love the Infernape, Magmortar, Electivire, Lucario and...
  2. Kabigon

    Dazzle Recorder?

    Didn't know where this went but... 1) I have a few questions about the Dazzle Recorder. Let's say my TV is nowhere near my computer. Would it be possible for me to play games on my computer and still record it there? 2) I have a Nintendo Wii. Would I have to get Dazzle Platinum (the more...
  3. Kabigon

    Technology Forum?

    Well I've had some questions about something like a Technology forum and such but I don't know where to put it. I thought it went in the misc. section but looking over there, it seems like that's for stuff like things you hate and pets you have etc. So my question is, where do you post for...
  4. Kabigon

    Pet Peeves

    -The Granny Page Turn (licking fingers then rubbing their fingers all over a page to make sure they aren't skipping a page. You're not supposed to make noise when reading a book -The person who thought that packing Styrofoam in boxes was a cool idea. No one wants to hear that scratchy noise...
  5. Kabigon

    2012: Doom year? O_O

    We built and learned how to route electricity, builded planes, made buildings larger than 100 feet, are able to connect and send information over the entire globe in seconds and have seen beyond the solar system. All in 120 years. If we're still alive by then, and are still pretty sane, I do...
  6. Kabigon

    2012: Doom year? O_O

    My bad, I meant that when the sun goes Red Giant then it will get hotter, ALOT hotter. Unless we have evolved where technology will make us alot better suited to weather then good. If not, then we are goners.
  7. Kabigon

    Dialga Vs. Palkia

    It looks like it would be better suited to be part Psychic huh?
  8. Kabigon

    Dialga Vs. Palkia

    Palkia looks like a frigging Mecha Godzilla and is sharp. While Dialga looks like a piece of rubbish. If you saw the 10th movie then you see that when Dialga charges up all it does is makes those steel "fins" get bigger. Dialga sucks. End of discussion...
  9. Kabigon

    Dialga Vs. Palkia

    I do believe that Dialga is overrated. And I like Spacial Rend better... and another thing... what the hell is time WITHOUT SPACE? So a clock will be able to move in the darkness but Space is way better. At least you have somewhere to sit.
  10. Kabigon

    2012: Doom year? O_O

    If nothing happens at all then I say that we have at least 5 million years left. The Sun will get likt 5 time bigger (unless we evolve to the point where 15 billion degrees is considered "cold") Have you ever noticed that when a theory is disproven, another one will just spring up out of...
  11. Kabigon

    Hawkfish's Avatar and Banner Shop

    Is this still open?
  12. Kabigon

    Monotype tournament.

    Alright, I'll be able to battle tomorrow, Kratos me and you can do both of our battles tomorrow.
  13. Kabigon

    Yeah go ahead.

    Yeah go ahead.
  14. Kabigon

    Customs and Registration Thread

    I would like to have a friend code edit. 1118 2250 9640
  15. Kabigon

    How would you like to die?

    Reaqlly wouldn't want that to happen. Being alone screaming in pain for hours would mess you up especially a slow painful death. You become some great hero yet you die ecause of no oxygen. What do the aliens give you some oxygen long enough to be famous then just take it back as soon as you...
  16. Kabigon

    Why YouTube Deserves The Website of the Year Award

    Well maybe not but some of the videos there are extremely great and this morning, I was feeling pretty sad because I missed the bus and my brother broke his leg but then I saw this video right here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgskX_3v7RU It just made me happy watching it and I hope it will...
  17. Kabigon

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    I figured out what the problem is. It's the music. After watching a japanese episode (which was much better by the way) I found out that they use the same music from the Kanto series, just redone a little better. If they actually used cool music instead of making their own cruddy orchestrated...
  18. Kabigon

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    Kanto was a 9.9 to me. THe only episode I hated was the episodes where didn't do anything except introduce a new character of the day. WHen they went to the Orange Islands, it kept reminding me of some distant far off but more exotic land. I always loved htat episode with that magnemite that...
  19. Kabigon

    Monotype tournament.

    I'm ready. I just didn't post because no one else did.
  20. Kabigon

    New Pokemon?

    But what other electronics do you mean. Because the only reason it was in the TV because the TV has more than one purpose. Would they really program 5 more items just to get Rotom?
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