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Search results

  1. Kabigon

    Well its UU and below so yes, NU can be used. Unfortunately, my DS isn't working right now and I...

    Well its UU and below so yes, NU can be used. Unfortunately, my DS isn't working right now and I don't know when I can get a new one.
  2. Kabigon


    Yo Mama so ugly that even Jynx has to turn away.
  3. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    I'm just glad that they actually look like ten year olds. Anyways, I'm very excited about this game. The only thing that horrifies me is that now all the Wi-Fi battles will be competitive. Does anyone else kinda hope that people will actually keep the game fun by using unpredictable movesets...
  4. Kabigon

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    Over the years I've started to understand the term 'filler' but why does everything have to take TOO frigging long? If this was the old show, Ash would have owned Kanto and would have been halfway through Johto. At least the fillers in Johto were decent (Orville the Pidgey anyone?). If they...
  5. Kabigon

    Was Venonat supposed to evolve into Butterfree?

    Once Butterfree steps in, you know everything is over. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spicebush_Swallowtail That's for who said Caterpie is based on a silkworm. It is not.
  6. Kabigon


    What do you mean? Also the code provided didn't seem to do the trick. All it did was add part of the code above the banner in IE for some reason. Or is it only supposed to work IE 6?
  7. Kabigon


    So this is the game I'm trying to starrt. Anyways, it has you telling YO MAMA! jokes but Pokemon themed. You tell it to the person above you and uh that's pretty much it. Someone post so I can insult them.
  8. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    OMG what shall my old team be?
  9. Kabigon


    body, html { font: 0.9em Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: black; background: #53879E url('images/background.png') repeat-x; padding: 0 1.5% 5px 1.5%; margin: 0; } img { border: 0; background: none; } a { color: #000; text-decoration: underline; } a:hover {...
  10. Kabigon


    Oh sorry. well here are some pictures taken in IE 6. http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q106/html_html/problem1.jpg This problem has that normally transparent image have a gray background and secondly, the dropdown menu doesn't work...
  11. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    One thing is certain for me though. I'm going to do my best not to sit there and hold a competetive team on it. When one Pokemon can practically own the Elite Four at level 50 it kind of ruins the game. This is gonna be my casual game that I start over whenever I feel like it.
  12. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    I'm just happy that we are getting a remake lol. Chikorita for me!
  13. Kabigon

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Well after ten long years, it finally happened. They are going to remake the game. I'm definately gonna probably get SoulSilver. So anyways, what do you think? What is your starter going to be? I'm definately gonna get back into Pokemon during this. Man. I don't know what to think.
  14. Kabigon


    http://kabicorp.com Can anyone tell me why this layout looks great everywhere but refuses to work in Internet Explorer? THis wouldn't be a problem but almost all my friends use IE and I don't want them to visit this site seeing that. Please. Can you tell me what I can do to fix this layout?
  15. Kabigon

    The Platinum Status Thread

    Oh just went to the GTS. I stayed there for almost two hours before I had to FORCE myself away from it. Watching High Quality non youtube battles is fun. And it gives you a chance to steal people's strategies =D
  16. Kabigon

    Question about attracting and keeping regular visitors.

    To keep regular visitors, you first have to hook them in and then keep them coming. Although it's been done thousands of times, why not make a comic or something and update it every week. If it is interesting enough, people will want to come back.
  17. Kabigon

    Is there going to be a Generation V?

    Isn't the battle frontier really the only reason people still pick up emerald now adays?
  18. Kabigon

    Rate My Video?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUa5G15LRCg Well I made this out of pure boredom so, what do you think I can do to improve. Does the music match. Is it Epic win or Epic fail?
  19. Kabigon

    Is there going to be a Generation V?

    ^ Or unless they make it play exactly like Gold and Silver. I'm not saying it wasn't good but if they keep your options limited and no replay value like they did with FR and LG then it's time for them to get hit over the head.
  20. Kabigon

    [MATURE] Why Are Breasts So Taboo?

    Wasn't that during the 15 hundreds? Nothing's wrong with it, it's a little distracting. Like it kind of ruins the seriousness of the moment.
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