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Search results

  1. NegativeVibe

    Things that ARE NOT Pokemon yet.

    Yes. Yes we do. I'm wondering in terms of what type it should be though...can turkeys fly? O_o If so, flying + ...um, something else. xD
  2. NegativeVibe

    Hey, I haven't logged on in forever, how've you been? Lol, there are lots of places where that...

    Hey, I haven't logged on in forever, how've you been? Lol, there are lots of places where that would cause damage xD Ooh, now that would be cool. Yeah, I don't know why, but apparently everyone wanted to come and see the cougars. O_o Attract on the same gender? Awesome :D XD YES! Oh cool...
  3. NegativeVibe

    I think this is the longest time I've gone without replying back, and for that, I am sorry. >_>...

    I think this is the longest time I've gone without replying back, and for that, I am sorry. >_> now that I'm in college, schoolwork murdered me. That would be awesome :D Curly fries sound so awesome. I've been living on peanut butter and jelly. I ended up with a B in calc, but I suppose...
  4. NegativeVibe

    Hey, remember me? :D I vanished again. How have you been? I got a new iPod, so I'm happy.

    Hey, remember me? :D I vanished again. How have you been? I got a new iPod, so I'm happy.
  5. NegativeVibe

    How do you eat pizza?

    Same with me for the most part. I will (albeit very rarely) use a fork if it's too hot or too messy. I'm a clean freak and hate getting pizza sauce on me. XD Although sometimes I get overexcited, eat it too fast, and end up with blisters on my mouth the next day. :( That isn't fun.
  6. NegativeVibe

    Hey, it's been a while. How've you been? :)

    Hey, it's been a while. How've you been? :)
  7. NegativeVibe

    Yeah. I lose track of time VERY easily so I didn't think it was that long; that is until I...

    Yeah. I lose track of time VERY easily so I didn't think it was that long; that is until I checked the date of my last received visitor message. :O That's cool! How are you going to change it? I'd like to implement more memory in mine, 'cause it's full. :(
  8. NegativeVibe

    Hey, I haven't logged on in a while because of overload of homework and stuff. Sorry I didn't...

    Hey, I haven't logged on in a while because of overload of homework and stuff. Sorry I didn't reply back way sooner! :( Oh, that's cool! So what if the child rebelled against the parent at an early age, before the Spirit Form had really formed? Would it end up being entirely different, or...
  9. NegativeVibe

    Hi, sorry it took me so long to reply back! I've been overwhelmed with nearly everything right...

    Hi, sorry it took me so long to reply back! I've been overwhelmed with nearly everything right now. So I'm in the same boat as you. :( Ooh, hacking. You mean hacking in the sense of modifying games?
  10. NegativeVibe

    Hi! Sorry I didn't reply back sooner. :( I had homework. Ugh. (Do I reactivate my asb bank...

    Hi! Sorry I didn't reply back sooner. :( I had homework. Ugh. (Do I reactivate my asb bank account? I think if you haven't made any transactions in a while they'll deactivate it but I don't remember...) Haha, we should seriously do a battle like that. :D Oh yeah, homework checks can suck. My...
  11. NegativeVibe

    Sorry it took me so long to reply back. D: Homework just about killed me. (I can't believe I...

    Sorry it took me so long to reply back. D: Homework just about killed me. (I can't believe I haven't been here for three whole months...) Is sleet hard enough to dent/smash the glass of your car like hail would? I know it's freezing rain, so I guess that would make sense. Haha. :D You could...
  12. NegativeVibe

    It has been a while. Too long, in fact... How've you been? :)

    It has been a while. Too long, in fact... How've you been? :)
  13. NegativeVibe

    That would be RIDICULOUSLY exciting! People would pay money to see that. The fun would keep...

    That would be RIDICULOUSLY exciting! People would pay money to see that. The fun would keep going until one of them got tired of splashing! I wish our homework was worth more, though. I usually do most of it, because I need the practice. It's nice to have homework bump up your grade if you...
  14. NegativeVibe

    That does sound pretty cool. I'd love to see them bring that back for future games. That's a...

    That does sound pretty cool. I'd love to see them bring that back for future games. That's a good idea, using both environment and genetics! So is it based on the parents' physical traits, or more on their personality? Really? Awesome, haha! Can she tranform back relatively quickly? Lol, I can...
  15. NegativeVibe

    That's cool. You get hail too, right? We've gotten hail a few times, but never sleet. I'd want...

    That's cool. You get hail too, right? We've gotten hail a few times, but never sleet. I'd want to see sleet...that'd be awesome. Ah. Hey, a kitchen knife wouldn't be that bad of a weapon. XD Suffocated and squashed. :D Although I've heard that black holes may be a means to time travel...
  16. NegativeVibe

    We should. MAGIKARP used Splash! The other MAGIKARP used Splash! MAGIKARP used Tackle...

    We should. MAGIKARP used Splash! The other MAGIKARP used Splash! MAGIKARP used Tackle! Ooh, the possibilities... Yeah. My teacher is easy like that. We still have to show our work, too, though. He also rarely checks the homework and automatically gives us 100% on it, but it's only maybe...
  17. NegativeVibe

    Yeah, it would be pretty hard to program. Ah, but it'd be really cool if they did. I've never...

    Yeah, it would be pretty hard to program. Ah, but it'd be really cool if they did. I've never played Stadium, actually. How exactly did the nicknames influence it? That's a really good idea, a Creation that embodies personality as it changes. Pretty neat concept! :D Haha, it is awesome, and...
  18. NegativeVibe

    Hey, good job in our ASB battle.

    Hey, good job in our ASB battle.
  19. NegativeVibe

    That's true. Pokemon would be better with more variety. I think it'd be cool if Pokemon came in...

    That's true. Pokemon would be better with more variety. I think it'd be cool if Pokemon came in more colors than just normal and shiny, too. Like color differences based on habitat, sort of like Shellos. Oh, that's cool! Is their Spirit Form creation based on aspects of their personality in any...
  20. NegativeVibe

    Ah, awesome. Do you guys get sleet as well? We're actually in a bit of a heat wave. It's like...

    Ah, awesome. Do you guys get sleet as well? We're actually in a bit of a heat wave. It's like 75 degrees out. Haha, really? Like...kitchen knives? I have a pocketknife somewhere in the closet, but I rarely use it. I think that's it. I've seen artists' depictions of what it might look like...
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