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Search results

  1. guy standing behind you

    Rate the Signature above you!

    9/10 Interrobangs, FTW!
  2. guy standing behind you

    Hey, ILS. I noticed that you have a pony egg in your sig. It needs to come out because of...

    Hey, ILS. I noticed that you have a pony egg in your sig. It needs to come out because of accusations of plagiarism. I thought I fixed this a month ago. I have no idea how I forgot to mention it to you.
  3. guy standing behind you

    I about to upload another sprite there. It only sorta sucks.

    I about to upload another sprite there. It only sorta sucks.
  4. guy standing behind you

    ULQEH! I made a purple Duskull and Dusclops to go along with the Dusknoir. You can see them here.

    ULQEH! I made a purple Duskull and Dusclops to go along with the Dusknoir. You can see them here.
  5. guy standing behind you

    Yeah. I found a new variety of sprite I can do. I'm gonna go work on that.

    Yeah. I found a new variety of sprite I can do. I'm gonna go work on that.
  6. guy standing behind you

    Penguin! Go here. Why? BECAUSE I SAID SO!

    Penguin! Go here. Why? BECAUSE I SAID SO!
  7. guy standing behind you

    [I do Requests!] Sprite Warehouse!

    Yeah, I'm not that good. I only really do small edits to sprites. I only recently learned how to make non-sucky outlines. I'm working at getting better at recolors. Yeah. Comments appreciated. You also might see some of my work floating around as Fish Jumpers Adoptables. -Some Kinda eggs...
  8. guy standing behind you

    Yes. Very yes.

    Yes. Very yes.
  9. guy standing behind you

    Testing thread

    Do specific BBCodes have to be added to the site?
  10. guy standing behind you

    I freakin' love the profile picture.

    I freakin' love the profile picture.
  11. guy standing behind you

    Nevermind. Here we go! [IMG]...

    Nevermind. Here we go! [IMG] http://media.pldh.net/pokemon/gen5/blackwhite_animated_front/469.gif EDIT: That didn't work. Give me a minute. EDIT AGAIN: [IMG] CODE:http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111208141040/pokemon/images/8/8c/Shiny_Yanmega_BW.gif
  12. guy standing behind you

    Yeah. I change my avatars when my bodies switch. I need to create a custom image for my next...

    Yeah. I change my avatars when my bodies switch. I need to create a custom image for my next body. Sorry about the Yanmega! I grt you that soon. But I really have to go now.
  13. guy standing behind you

    You mean in Disappearance? I don't know how much longer I'll be on, but sure.

    You mean in Disappearance? I don't know how much longer I'll be on, but sure.
  14. guy standing behind you

    She must have just restricted it to her friends list then. I'm not on that.

    She must have just restricted it to her friends list then. I'm not on that.
  15. guy standing behind you

    Yeah. I'm gonna head over to Goat City soon and leave her a message. You may want to do that, if...

    Yeah. I'm gonna head over to Goat City soon and leave her a message. You may want to do that, if you would like.
  16. guy standing behind you

    I don't know who did it. They were logged as an anonymous editor, and all I have is their IP.

    I don't know who did it. They were logged as an anonymous editor, and all I have is their IP.
  17. guy standing behind you

    Well, you hadn't responded, so I wanted to check to see that I hadn't made a mistake.

    Well, you hadn't responded, so I wanted to check to see that I hadn't made a mistake.
  18. guy standing behind you

    Did you get my PM?

    Did you get my PM?
  19. guy standing behind you

    They posted a hate-filled message on the front page, and some people (admins for the wikia...

    They posted a hate-filled message on the front page, and some people (admins for the wikia system) have been mistakenly removing and re-posting it. I looked at the ban on the IP that originally posted it and it said that Richie... I'm gonna PM you the rest of this. I don't really want to display...
  20. guy standing behind you

    She left. Someone vandalized the FJ wiki and posted a hateful message on the front page. I'm...

    She left. Someone vandalized the FJ wiki and posted a hateful message on the front page. I'm trying to contact her. And you posted "your" when you meant "you're".
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