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Search results

  1. Captain Sea Turtle

    [CLOSED] The Dream Realm

    Re: The Dream Realm Ignore (Unlike the RNG, I don't).
  2. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Challenge Board

    I'm feeling challenge-happy, so I'll fill up all three of my slots. Have a profile~
  3. Captain Sea Turtle

    [CLOSED] The Dream Realm

    Re: The Dream Realm Catch, please...
  4. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Female Linoone appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Happiny(F), 8 Safari Balls
  5. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Male Sentret appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Happiny(F), 8 Safari Balls
  6. Captain Sea Turtle

    [CLOSED] The Dream Realm

    Re: The Dream Realm Oh wow, yes.
  7. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Female Happiny appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: 9 Safari Balls
  8. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Male Burmy-ground appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: 9 Safari Balls
  9. Captain Sea Turtle

    [CLOSED] The Dream Realm

    Re: The Dream Realm Catch, if you please.
  10. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Bank

    -$7 from Mawile, +$7 to Captain Sea Turtle
  11. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    *Snatches $7* *DRUMROLL PLEASE...* Your roulette spin landed on... ...EXTRA SAFARI BALLS DISPENSED Congratulations! Now I just need to get a techie to tell me why the roulette loves these people so much--You there! Stop cheating! Whaddya mean, you're not cheating? Of course you are! Male...
  12. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Congratulations! Arms filled with Pokeballs, you walk out carrying: LotadCrawdauntVaporeonLotadWooperWooper Please come again soon! *NOTICE: We have boats leading back to Pacifidlog Town or Sootopolis City for trainers who are afraid of roughing it on their Pokemon. That said, if you drown with...
  13. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Male Wooper appeared! It is wearing a Focus Sash around its forehead and ramming a tree repeatedly. Some kind of training? Anyway, Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lotad(M), Crawdaunt(M), Vaporeon(M), Lotad(F), Wooper(F), 1 Safari Ball
  14. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Female Lotad appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lotad(M), Crawdaunt(M), Vaporeon(M), Lotad(F), Wooper(F), 1 Safari Ball
  15. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Ice Caves

    I'll peek inside the caves and hope that nothing bites. Here's $3~
  16. Captain Sea Turtle

    The Love Tester

    More love, please *hands over da moniez*
  17. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Female Corphish appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lotad(M), Crawdaunt(M), Vaporeon(M), Lotad(F), Wooper(F), 1 Safari Ball
  18. Captain Sea Turtle

    Safari Roulette

    Ruffledfeathers Male MrMime appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Absol(M), Chansey(F), Furret(M), 3 Safari Balls Mawile Female Wooper appeared! Catch/Ignore? Current Party: Lotad(M), Crawdaunt(M), Vaporeon(M), Lotad(F), 2 Safari Balls
  19. Captain Sea Turtle

    [CLOSED] The Dream Realm

    Re: The Dream Realm Catch (wow it's been a while)
  20. Captain Sea Turtle

    Captain Sea Turtle vs Darksong

    First, let's make this a fairer fight--use Haze to both get rid of its Calm Mind boost and prevent the Iron Defense. Next, use Earth Power, and pray that it falls because every square around it is gone. On the third action, if it didn't fall, use another Earth Power, and if it did fall or if the...
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