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Captain Sea Turtle vs Darksong

Dave Strider

the best coolkid
Captain Sea Turtle said:
2 vs 2 Single
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Dig, moves that require large bodies of water (eg, Surf), 3 Chills/pokemon, 3 healing moves/game
Arena: Insanity Square

This battle takes place on a square of magically floating tiles, approximately Wailord by Wailord in size, but comfortable enough for most battles (which, I am given to understand, never involve two Wailords fighting). The squares are easily malleable and can be torn off and flung into the void of space with little effort, causing the battlefield to shrink and contort as time goes on. If a Pokemon falls off of the square, it wastes its next action being teleported back by a League Alakazam and takes 10% typeless damage. Any Pokemon that is hit by a tile is blown back (which can be dangerous if you are close to an edge) and takes 5% Rock-type damage. If, at any point the stage takes damage to the point where a terrestrial Pokemon's survival comes into question (at the ref's discretion), the following action the stage reforms itself, and every Pokemon has a 50% chance of being smacked by a stray tile.

Other Notes: Pokemon that are aquatic can be used, but they will float in midair a la Pokemon Colosseum and are treated as inherently hovering. However, due to it not being water, they come into battle with a -3 Speed modifier (that cannot be eaten by Psych Up, but counts towards the +-6 maximum/minimum).

Captain Sea Turtle's Active Squad:

Captain Land Turtle (M)
White Smoke

Sun Tzu (X)

Lovable Giant (M)
Water Absorb

Darksong's Active Sqaud:

[Bang] Bronzor (Genderless)
Ability: Heatproof

[Cicada]scyther (Female)
Ability: Swarm

[Kyu] Gastrodon-EastMale)
Ability: Storm Drain

Ability: Early Bird

[Yura] Rhyhorn (Female)
Ability: Rock Head

[Spear] Aron (Female)
Ability: Rock Head

[Envy]Enculli (Male)
Ability: Liquid Ooze

[Hawkeye] Treecko (Female)
Ability: Overgrow

Coin Flips says:
Darksong sends out
Captain Sea Turtle sends out and orders attacks
Darksong orders attacks
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Lovable Giant, you're up. Start out with a 10% Substitute, so that we can stop status like Bronzor love to dish out. Then, since Bang is Heatproof, Earthquake. On the third action, the stage should probably be reforming itself, in that case, please try to avoid being thwacked off of the stage? If the stage is somehow still intact, follow up with a Mud Bomb. If at any point you're asleep, use Sleep Talk.

Substitute 10%/Sleep Talk ~ Earthquake/Sleep Talk ~ Mud Bomb/Duck and cover/Sleep Talk
OK... unbelievably, Bang, you're faster than something this time around, so start with a Heal Block while you still can. And then use Reflect to reduce its higher Attack stat, and finally, a Calm Mind will probably do you good, to set up for the next round.

Heal Block ~ Reflect ~ Calm Mind
Insanity square is an anomaly to science. A large square of blue squares, floating mysteriously through space. It's quite the sight, especially if you catch it in the light of the sun. Despite the obvious danger to even stand on it, it still manages to attract trainers for a good old fight.

Captain Sea Turtle reaches the Square, sitting on his Solrock, holding some sort of device to get air around him. slowly floating up above the platform. He quickly jumps off, causing the square to ripple around his feet. Almost immediately after he returns the floating sun Pokémon, Darksong arrives, teleporting onto the square via a league supplied Xatu. She jumps down onto the square, returns the Pokémon and nods in silent greeting to Captain Sea Turtle. The two wait for a couple of minutes in silence, occasionally looking at the large void. Suddenly another large popping noise is heard as Psymon joins them with the League Alakazam. He nods at the battlers, explains the rules and how we're all breathing and not floating off into space before waving his flags a couple of times, signalling the release of the Pokémon.

Darksong starts with her Bronzor, Bang, who lands on the square on one of its bumps, spinning lightly around to survey the surroundings. The Captain considers for a moment before sending the Loveable Giant, his Wooper. Loveable giant stares blankly at Bang, before looking around him, without his expression changing at all. Orders are issued and flags are waved quickly, making the battle start.

Captain Sea Turtle (OO)
[Loveable Giant] wooper (M)
Ability: Water Absorb
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Staring vacantly into space.
Commands: Substitute 10%/Sleep Talk ~ Earthquake/Sleep Talk ~ Mud Bomb/Duck and cover/Sleep Talk

Darksong (OO)
[Bang] bronzor (X)
Ability: Heatproof
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Wondering how on earth it's not floating into space.
Commands: Heal Block ~ Reflect ~ Calm Mind

Round 1 begin

Bang looked at it's surroundings. It was a bit unnerving knowing that this battlefield could dissolve at any moment. Bang decided not to focus on the square but more on it's opponent, who was currently staring straight at the Bronzor. Bang closed it's metallic eyes, focusing on locating its opponent's mind, aiming to seal off a specific part. The Bronzor quickly found Loveable Giant's mind, and set to work placing a large mental block on some of his physical processes. After a few seconds, Bang took itself out of Loveable Giant's rather vacant mind, happy that it had done a good job.

Loveable Giant focused on his commands. What did he have to do now? Create a substitute? Yeah, that was it. He looked down at his shadow, and started channelling his power into it. A faint blue aura glowed around the Wooper, quickly moving to the shadow. The shadow slowly got thicker as more light went into it, eventually forming a dead ringer for Loveable Giant, except pitch black. Faint colours started to form on the substitutes skin, and within seconds the puppet was complete. Loveable Giant smiled at his work, and quickly hid behind his substitute.

Bang looked at the substitute. It was a bit of a waste, to be honest. It wasn't going to be taking any damage any time soon but, eh, his loss. Bang started to but up a reflect. Its eyes glowed a light yellow, quickly followed by the air shining in the same colour. A noise of air moving rang though the arena, accompanied by a large yellow dome shining around Bang. Shadows dance around inside the dome, moving around in the light.

Despite the obvious hindrance, Loveable Giant starts his next attack. He slams down on the floor with his large tail, shock waves emanating from his feet. Large waves rush around the arena, bouncing of the edges and leaving tiles strewn lazily in the air. One large wave hits Bangs dome, noticeably decreasing in size, but still flinging the metal plate around the square. The shock waves end, leaving the square in disrepair, leaving all the occupants on a small platform with a lot of cracks in it, surrounded by a some stray tiles floating through space.

Another small quake rattles the tiles, this time making the tiles get closer together. A blue glow suddenly surrounds each and every tile, creating an eerie atmosphere on the battlefield. Little blue tiles fly around the arena haphazardly, barely missing the battlers and ref. Loveable Giant dives behind his likeness, attempting to cover his large head with his tail. A stray tile fling down in the Woopers direction, prompting the Substitute to jump up at the tile, taking the shot straight in it's chest. The doll lands on the ground, having safely deflected the danger. Another piece of blue pottery flies quickly at Bang, harmlessly bouncing off the Reflect. Bang closed its eyes, trying to relax. Calm … think calm. Yeah, calming thoughts. Don't think about anything else. Bang leaned back, all of his worries seeming to just melt away.

Round 1 end

[Loveable Giant] wooper (M)
Ability: Water Absorb
Health: 90%
Energy: 82%
Status: Feeling safe with his Substitute up. Heal Blocked.

Substitute: 7% Health

[Bang] bronzor (X)
Ability: Heatproof
Health: 80%
Energy: 89%
Status: Glad it has some defences but still sore. + 2 Sp.Atk, +2 Sp.Def. Reflect active (1% per action, 3 more actions).

Ref Notes:
  • Not proof read and a bit late. SORRY. ; ;
  • I don't like my description of Heal Block. It took me a while to figure out how to describe it so it is sub-par and rushed. I AM ALSO SORRY ; ;
  • On action 3 the tile aimed at Bang bounced off it's Reflect, and Loveable Giant's substitute blocked one aimed at him.
  • Feel free to point out anything stupid that I should change.
  • Darksong attacks first.
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Start out with Safeguard and follow up with Iron Defense. Finally, Psychic, unless it uses Protect or Detect, in which case you should use Sunny Day.

Safeguard ~ Iron Defense ~ Psychic/Sunny Day
First, let's make this a fairer fight--use Haze to both get rid of its Calm Mind boost and prevent the Iron Defense. Next, use Earth Power, and pray that it falls because every square around it is gone. On the third action, if it didn't fall, use another Earth Power, and if it did fall or if the stage is reforming after the first Earth Power, just Chill.

Haze~Earth Power~Earth Power/Chill
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