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Search results

  1. Inept At Normal

    (Probably) Need Help with Javascript

    :3 I know. It's something I'm doing for my dad to make him feel better about it. He doesn't know much about computers. I want something that looks safe. It doesn't nessasarily have to actually be effective.
  2. Inept At Normal

    Hi, it's nice to meet you! I'm studying Latin right now, what are you doing?

    Hi, it's nice to meet you! I'm studying Latin right now, what are you doing?
  3. Inept At Normal

    (Probably) Need Help with Javascript

    OK. So. I'm wanting to make a blog of sorts. I want it to be private, open only to others to whom I specficly want to read it. This means, that in the front page, I want to make a bit of code; a password field. If they get the password right, the code will take them to te actual blog. If they...
  4. Inept At Normal

    HP7 Part I

    Spoilers! I went to see the midnight premire of this movie Thursday night, and again that Saturday, and again last night. Awesome. It took me two viewing to stop squealing over it an actually start analyzing it. I still must say that it was pretty great, especially for Warner Brother's...
  5. Inept At Normal

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! Eh, you have a point. Still, the definition isn't all-inclusive, and while it might work for certain cases of the Bible, it doesn't work for it all, and that's what I was asking. Ugh. See, the Bible can be made entirely true if you twist it, cock your...
  6. Inept At Normal

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! That doesn't really work. He's proven himself multiple times to be things other than love, hasn't he? God is jealous and often angry, isn't he? So how is that love? Besides, he did loads of other things, such as create the universe, and whatnot. (And...
  7. Inept At Normal

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! Not really, but he's who I had in mind. And, uh. Where? I've been keeping tabs on the thread, and I didn't see it anywhere. :/ You're probably right, in which case you can ignore what I asked, but the questions really usually ends the arguing in my...
  8. Inept At Normal

    The "Fwee" Thread

    After four inches of torrential rain, snow, and sleet, my river-adjecent town is advising everyone to evacuate. No school for me!
  9. Inept At Normal

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! Eh? Well, obviously a day to God would have to be a heck of a lot more than a thousand years, but that's irrelavant. As for Adam and Eve, well. It's useless to argue little theological things like this that don't matter in the long run, even though it's...
  10. Inept At Normal

    Never mind. It would lose it's fun-ness if I had to explain. :3

    Never mind. It would lose it's fun-ness if I had to explain. :3
  11. Inept At Normal

    Why aren't you helping?

    Why aren't you helping?
  12. Inept At Normal

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! Because. :/ Whether or not they know it, they're providing food for thought and indirectly giving me advice on things to say to my dad. Leave them be.
  13. Inept At Normal


    I think it's alright, as long as what everyone said is followed. We're all agreeing! It's weird. At my mom's nursing home, if she gets the consent of the patient in writing (and often the patient's immdiete family), she is legally obligated to let the patient die and fail to adminster them...
  14. Inept At Normal

    You're the only person besides me viewing who's online. :3 Goodnight.

    You're the only person besides me viewing who's online. :3 Goodnight.
  15. Inept At Normal


    I suppose you know the drill? :3
  16. Inept At Normal

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! O_o This thread got another page. I've been staring uselessy at the first one , waiting for In Absentia to respond to #1 Bro. Silly me. Well, you're all right. I guess it's true that I have been a bit hostile. You're right; I don't want to give him a...
  17. Inept At Normal

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! Well, see, I would. See, I'm sitting next to my dad the whole time, and I can't exactly do that. I mean, I guess it's bearable, but it's obnoxious to have the pastor saying absurd things, like being gay is wrong and Isreal is super-special an hearing...
  18. Inept At Normal

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! And also with manatees, correct? Humans are definitly special if we share a common ancester with manatees. *nodnod* Anyway. I'm not sure I know what you mean. If you stick up for your beliefs, aren't you saying you believe them and saying why? I mean, I...
  19. Inept At Normal

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! For all it's worth, we online support you too. I know it isn't helpful or anything, but we're here if you need to unload. We got in a discusion in the truck again. He said that he's making me go because he believes it's best for me. It's infuriating...
  20. Inept At Normal

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! Well, I can understand what you mean. But is it really moral to keep those beliefs you hold dearest to yourself unsiad to others. I mean sure, if ou don't speak your mind, you'll never get into any arguments ever in your life. But if you speak what you...
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