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Search results

  1. Momoharu

    [OOC+Signup] Wellspring Village (OPEN)

    Reserving Suicune and Raikou, if you please. EDIT: And I'd like to call that house on the right, right in front of the Pokemon Center.
  2. Momoharu

    Help with pose and chest of drawing

    Well I can't call myself an expert, but I have drawn quite a few fighting poses. First thing is, a person is usually a bit lower when they're in a fighting stance. So less of the neck would be shown, and the shoulders would be placed a bit higher up, and the feet would be spread and braced...
  3. Momoharu

    Dragon's Den

    Move on son!
  4. Momoharu

    Requests Open CLICK ME

    Can I get an evo? D: Because I know you luff me enough to give me one.
  5. Momoharu

    Your stats?

    MOMOGON, the peach Pokemon (Thanks FMC :D) Type: Steel Ability: No Guard HP: 50 (No stamina whatsoever.) Atk: 75 (Mostly body checks and that kind of mess :P) Def: 120 (I can take a few hits and bounce back after a while) Sp. Atk: 155 (I guess I'm pretty smart.) Sp. Def: 50 (Terrible immunity...
  6. Momoharu

    Your parents' opinion on Pokémon?

    Re: Your parents' opinion on Pokémon? This.
  7. Momoharu

    lip health

    Yeah, and try not to lick your lips a lot. Saliva can mess up your lips if you keep licking it.
  8. Momoharu

    The Crossroads

    Eh, sure I'll grab it.
  9. Momoharu

    Dragon's Den

    K, here's my 3 bucks, and my Charizard/Pidgeotto/Noctowl can fly me up there. Preferably Charizard. PC
  10. Momoharu

    The servant headquarters

    Also, I just realized Chimchar isn't an evolved type even though I payed for one. Should I just turn it into a Monferno?
  11. Momoharu

    The servant headquarters

    I'll do 1, 2, 3 and 4 again. Evolved again. 12.
  12. Momoharu

    The servant headquarters

    Y'know what, Routes 1, 2, 3, and 4. ALL evolved, so £12.
  13. Momoharu

    The Crossroads

    I want to eat some sand too D: DESERT!
  14. Momoharu

    The Trick House

    I'll take two goes at the Historical Room! As for Czars, lets get Peter the Great (Peter I) and Ivan The Terrible (Ivan IV)
  15. Momoharu

    Your PC

    AetherNet Charmander Name - Tamale Gender - Male Obtained - Starter Pokemon Noctowl Name - Noctowl Gender - Female Obtained - Here Skuntank Name - Skuntank Gender - Female Obtained - Here Dugtrio Name - Dugtrio Gender - Male Obtained - Here Chimchar Name - Chimchar Gender -...
  16. Momoharu

    The Bank

    I'd like to open an account with Charmander as my starter.
  17. Momoharu

    Requests Closed Blazhy's Sketchy Shoppy

    Mmhmm, I'm feelin' that Garchomp, nicely done Blaz.
  18. Momoharu

    Suggestions Somewhat Blu sprites

    Whoa your sprites are srs business. Did you make your avatar from scratch as well?
  19. Momoharu

    Suggestions Oh hey, a meme, a Quarian and a vaguely stereotypical black guy!

    Re: Saith's Stuff I actually really like that cat monster girl from the trio, her design looks interesting. If there's one thing I'd have to nitpick, I'd recommend keeping up anatomy study, a few things strike me as odd, but that's just me.
  20. Momoharu

    Pokemon in other time periods?

    I know in Pokemon 4Ever, it shows Professor Oak when he was a kid, and he had this really tight old school pokeball. And he was an artist. So yeah, other time periods.
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