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Suggestions Oh hey, a meme, a Quarian and a vaguely stereotypical black guy!


New member
Ehh, Esses are hard~

So I'm gonna, like, try to keep this one alive. I was never too good at that, really. But I shall try to maybe do it.

And yeah, pontless first post with only three pictures, but~

So uh, without further adeu?

A ninja that proves I can't draw boobs~ She's not standing on a Chupp Chup Lolly thing

Cabadath that, if it weren't for the proportions being out and stuff, would look like a copy of one of the only other Cabadath pictures on the web~
Also the text would read something like 'And the arrogant man finally knew the name of the king' or something. Oh and something about Rhino Jets, I can't quite remember~

And something a cousin got me to do. He's the emo on the left, I'm the hobo on the right and there's a random pretending he knows us... Oh and the crap text is so not mine~

So yeah, critique please!!! And anyting else you wanna say, too~
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Re: Mein Art

I like your style, but you may want to focus stlighlty more on shading and how dark and deep each bit of shading is and where the light is coming from, you may also focus on your drawings of hands, they are good but not quite perfect it has taken me ages to fine finish hands but if you practise they should come naturally to you, like I said before keep to the sort-of dark, deathly style and your drawings will be great!
Re: Mein Art

So I forgot about it. Didn't surprise me, mind.
And, though it's pointless after so much time, thanks for the nice comment.

And ignoring your advice on keeping to the dark sorta stuff, here's a cowgirl!!!
She's sort of like a random, to be honest. Just, one of my mates likes cowgirls, so~

Oh, and here are some custom TWEWY reaper thingies.

This one's my reapersona type thing. Saith, like, innit. 'Cept he's shaved. Noise form is a snake, or something like that, and I know a wing isn't finished.

And this one's the conductor. No idea on a name, yet, but uh. Oh and his noise form's meant to be a spider, though maybe that's not apparant in his design. And he's not finished, either. I've sorta given up on hands, I pretend the circles are mittens 'cause they're cute. : D
Re: Saith's Stuff

First some randoms:

The grim reaper type thing. I don't think it's terrible, and no, he's not riding his scythe.

Okay, so this is my favourite original type thing. It's basically just a guy in armour, but still~~

Just some teens. They're supposed to be some super whatevers, but I don't think I have the dedication to actually do a comic.
I actually like how the guy on the left turned out, though. And the girl was more of a non-generic-skimpy-outfit-etc girl, and more of a generic tomboy. But still, I liked drawing her more.
Due to my mind, I'll probably do these a lot more often.

My monster girl things. I think I'll be drawing these more, too. I basically decided to draw them to experiment with different clothes.

And now the Pokémon stuff:

My cousin Cory. He's, like, doing a comic on if he was a trainer etc, so I decided to do this of his starter. The legs are too short. : /

Cory's depiction of his party, he asked me to do the cubone and Riolu.

This is Cory and me, apparantly. I'm not kicking the ralts, I'm just wondering what the fuck it can do.

A Totodile trainer I decided to draw. I don't like his clothes. I tried to give him a bit of a punk outfit, with the whole stitched on sleeves thing, but it didn't really work.

And finally something of my own party. I either decided to greatly humanise certain Pokémon (and certain features of said Pokémon) or they're incredible cosplayers. It's up to you.
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Re: Saith's Stuff

Just one thing, where'd Gardevoir's legs go?

Anyway, you draw rather well. It's in a manga-esque style, but just a bit more serious, It's really cool.
Re: Saith's Stuff

I figured her legs would be thin enough to hide in the dress. Or mutilation, but that's messy.

And thanks, appreciate it.
Re: Saith's Stuff

I actually really like that cat monster girl from the trio, her design looks interesting.

If there's one thing I'd have to nitpick, I'd recommend keeping up anatomy study, a few things strike me as odd, but that's just me.
Re: Saith's Stuff


First, some freaky teethy guy.

And now a couple of things that I practised shading on, using the burn/dodge things.

Any better than filling in sections with a darker shade?
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Re: Saith's Jelly Now Has Some Eye Scream.

Weird snakey thing. I should probably say 'Nudity', but you don't see anything so maybe not.
Anyway there's also blood, so yeah. Not too bad, though.

So, uh... Witchy Snakey Thingy
Re: Urgent! CC needed, do not hesitate. Creepy Uncle Saith Needs You.

I rise from the depths, like some eldritch horror. With a ponytail (not featured here).



Re: Urgent! CC needed, do not hesitate. Creepy Uncle Saith Needs You.

So I got a tablet off of Ebay the other day, sooooo~


So, like, I love Mass Effect right, so yeah...


I also like Tali...


Jack is Awesome.


This... This isn't racist, is it?

The tablet's pretty hard to use, but...

I'm still no good at wrriting, though.

Oh, and I need some help:

Which sort of shading do you prefer?




Ooooooh, I like! I envy your ability/imagination for poses so much! Everyone's moving, and it makes your pictures way more dynamic and interesting!

I'm also in envy of your digital drawing/colouring skills - as far as I can tell, you're using your tablet and art programmes really well, but I've never done any digital art ever, so I'm not a very good judge XD
But your shading is very good (I like both the gradual shading and the more blocky, cartoony style, actually) and I especially love how you do people's hair in the gradual-shading style.

In terms of your humans - which I think are the hardest things ever to look just right - the anatomy is slightly off, but with practice and references you'll get better and better, but one thing I really like is how differently you draw people's faces. You have an anime-style of drawing, and when using anime-style, lots of people (myself definitely included) fall into the trap of drawing everyone's head and eyes and facial featues in general look the same, but from the art you've posted, you've taken care to make everyone's head shape and facial features their own, and it looks really great :D
That post made me sad, because I realised that it's the most anybody's commented on my drawings. Including my GCSE art teacher. So thanks. : )

Oh, and:

It makes me happy, nerr.
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