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Search results

  1. Momoharu

    Hayao Miyazaki's movies

    So I watched Howl's Moving Castle and I'm all happy and giddy and positive about life now!
  2. Momoharu

    What Games Are You Waiting For?

    Damn Epic Mickey looks raw. Personally I'm looking forward to HG/SS and Bioshock 2.
  3. Momoharu

    Suggestions Rau's Sprites (and videos!)

    Re: Alraunne's Actual Gallery Should've posted on here earlier, your sprites are really good. I can tell those pixel-overs are tough too.
  4. Momoharu

    Suggestions Second crack at this!

    Aaand shameless bump again! C'mon people, your making me depressed. http://draconic-aura.deviantart.com/art/Blind-Swordsman-143657207 Didn't do so well on the super-thin look, did I? http://draconic-aura.deviantart.com/art/Turnip-Head-143657280 From Howl's Moving Castle, Turnip Head is...
  5. Momoharu

    otakudom (aka anime geeks.)

    I like anime, but I don't get why people are always hating on Naruto, Bleach and One Piece =/ They're great manga/anime with a good storyline.
  6. Momoharu

    Ask Altmer Anything

    Do people name guns after boys or girls?
  7. Momoharu

    Ask Altmer Anything

    What happens when a falcon punch and a falcon kick hit each other simultaneously?
  8. Momoharu

    Hayao Miyazaki's movies

    Lol, Castle In The Sky's the only one I watched, and it was pretty cool. Gotta watch the rest, this guy seems to be a stellar scriptwriter/animator/whatever else.
  9. Momoharu

    Open The Founding

    Coyote looked to his side to see a third person make an entrance. Lightning sparked between his fingertips, only for a second, before he made it fizz out. He sat and waited, wondering what to do next. Idly, he picked up some rocks from the rooftop and started fiddling with them, ready to...
  10. Momoharu

    Open The Founding

    Coyote sat on the ledge of a building, gnawing on a piece of bread and sitting with his legs dangling precariously from the edge. The baker hadn't noticed him stealing a loaf, what with all the other customers early in the day. Quickly finishing, he rose to his feet unsteadily, a little tired...
  11. Momoharu

    Sad songs

    Anything by Jay Sean is pretty much a sad love song.
  12. Momoharu

    ArtMo/DraMo 2009

    Gettin UP IN THIS BITCH. I already draw about 3 pics a day anyway.
  13. Momoharu

    In Progress Outlaws [Pokemon Fanfic]

    Okay first, epic thread resurrection, but for good reason! I have a new chapter. Yeah, my inspiration suddenly cut out and decided to cut back in at a random moment, so I'll probably continue this. If anyone's so kind as to read this and reply, thanks for that. Without further adieu, chapter...
  14. Momoharu

    Can Men and Women Be Just Friends? [Article]

    I'll admit, I hang out with girls more than guys, but I can't deny I've had those kinds of feelings flash into my mind once maybe. Other than that, men and women certainly can be just friends. Unless they like, come on to each other and end up being more than friends.
  15. Momoharu

    Legal Pokemon ROM Hacking?

    Go to PokeCommunity, they have an entire board dedicated to this. ._.
  16. Momoharu

    In Progress Following Footsteps- a Poke-FanFic

    Well, story length leaves a bit to be desired, but it's a solid idea. I felt you were rushing waay through the chapters, when you could so easily flesh out the little details.
  17. Momoharu

    Well, You Thought Wrong

    Lol when I was small and trying to catch a Vulpix, I ran out of balls so I threw my master
  18. Momoharu

    The Eight Blades Signups/OOC

    K, added more to the appearance.
  19. Momoharu

    The Kanto Creation: Blaziking's new sprite comic

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