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Suggestions Second crack at this!


Can't Tell Me Nothin
Alright, I kind of let my last thread die, but lets try again!


A gunslinger, with shotgun pistols and a sniper axe. Yeah, I've been in a unique weapon mode lately.


My OC Coyote, equipped with his chainsaw sword. Keep in mind that the insides have a cover so they aren't damaged. (And I'm too lazy to draw all those gears multiple times.)


Yeah, I was listening to Aqua Timez.
Aaand shameless bump again! C'mon people, your making me depressed.


Didn't do so well on the super-thin look, did I?


From Howl's Moving Castle, Turnip Head is awesome.


From Fairy Tale, after Natsu accepts Gerard's Flame of Rebuke to fight Zero


And I want an opinion on this, I messed up somewhere besides the non-forward leg, just can't put my finger on it...
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