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Search results

  1. Momoharu

    The Eight Blades Signups/OOC

    Name: Duncan Hart Age: 15 Gender: Male Initial Alignment: Evil Specialty: Strength/Attacking 1st Keyblade: One-Winged Angel 2nd Keyblade: Lady Luck Appearance: Slightly grown out black hair, tanned skin, dark brown eyes. Wears a black wifebeater under a black unbuttoned button-up, with...
  2. Momoharu

    The Kanto Creation: Blaziking's new sprite comic

    Gotta love the bros before hoes comment.
  3. Momoharu

    Happy Birthday to me

    You know the fever is the most thoughtful gift you can get :>
  4. Momoharu

    London Expo

    So anyone wanna tell me what this Expo's all about?
  5. Momoharu

    1,200 Wii Points. Suggest me games.

    SUPER MARIO RPG. Best game on the SNES ever. EVER.
  6. Momoharu

    I suck

    Lies, sports are beast. Imagine tackling TCoDers out of your way. Oh yeah I'm Momo.
  7. Momoharu

    Open The Founding

    I'll use it as a Val then.
  8. Momoharu


    Y halo thar, I'm Momo. Feel free to dispose of your cod, it doesn't go well with tea at all.
  9. Momoharu

    Open The Founding

    Name: Christopher "Coyote" Jones Age: 16 Gender: Male Side: Refugee Outfit: http://draconic-aura.deviantart.com/art/Coyote-140003666 Chainsaw is, of course, optional. Also, wears a chainmail vest underneath his shirt. Appearance: 6 feet tall, 185 pounds, blue-gray eyes and black hair...
  10. Momoharu

    Suggestions Second crack at this!

    Alright, I kind of let my last thread die, but lets try again! http://draconic-aura.deviantart.com/art/Gunslinger-Bianca-140002992 A gunslinger, with shotgun pistols and a sniper axe. Yeah, I've been in a unique weapon mode lately. http://draconic-aura.deviantart.com/art/Coyote-140003666 My...
  11. Momoharu

    Are planets living organisms?

    Personally, I don't think the Earth is alive, because it's made out of what I think are nonliving material, rock and metal. However, I think it's a unique sort of thing, because while it doesn't live, other things can live on it.
  12. Momoharu

    Super Mario Bros Z

    Has anyone watched these animations? If not, go to http://www.vglag.com/smbz , your seriously missing out. Honestly, I think this is the best flash animation ever to exist, the guy who does this is a certified genius. I just watched the 8th episode and nearly crapped myself because of it's...
  13. Momoharu

    Help me with my NaNoWriMo attempt! (requires little or no real effort!)

    FEW MOAR SUGGESTIONS The badass version of Metal Sonic from the SMBZ flashes. (If you haven't watched those, you should, they kick ass.) The badass version of Hank with the scorpion arm from Madness Aggregation (Another awesome flash) Oh, and Geno from Super Mario RPG.
  14. Momoharu

    Favorite Video Game Series

    Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy, the NBA series, and definitely the Mario series.
  15. Momoharu

    Obama won the Nobel Peace prize.

    But isn't it true that Obama has managed some communication with places like North Korea, which some presidents haven't managed?
  16. Momoharu

    Any recemondations for a semi casual gamer? (Wii & DS)

    I forgot what it's called, but apparently there's this really fun surgery game on the Wii, anyone wanna help me out on this?
  17. Momoharu

    Help me with my NaNoWriMo attempt! (requires little or no real effort!)

    Hector from Fire Emblem 7, if you know it. Terra or Celes from Final Fantasy 6, if you know it. Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach, if you know it.
  18. Momoharu

    Amazingly Epic Fantasy

    Well y'know, there are always the old favorites, Harry Potter and Eragon, those are both pretty intense. Then if you haven't already, check out Maximum Ride, a really kickass book that's also been converted into a graphic novel. The Alex Rider series was a good read, really intense and full of...
  19. Momoharu

    modern warefare 2 or world at war?

    Seriously Modern Warfare 2. The first one kicked ass.
  20. Momoharu

    Ymo's art-thread (Heavy images(?))

    That's pretty monstrous.
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