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Search results

  1. Furiianda

    It's an Espeon! ZOMG

    It's an Espeon! ZOMG
  2. Furiianda

    I can relate (: I got to some weird point of depression where the only think I could think of...

    I can relate (: I got to some weird point of depression where the only think I could think of that I cared about was this one tune I had stuck in my head for a few years and stuff. Also I found a recording I've wanted to give to you for a few months- I think you'll like it- I'll upload it and...
  3. Furiianda

    Someone said we needed a contest...

    NO WAY ): I was writing up a competition thread yesterday and was waiting for an official approval before setting it going--sneaky! You beat me to it! XD According to the listy thing there's a spot left, soooo Good opportunity to practice, I say. XD
  4. Furiianda

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    The wings are angled differently to the face- perhaps you should have put that pattern at an angle like Drifloon usually are! But I like how you did the pattern, so maybe you could just fix the wingalings instead. (: Not sure if it'd work though. Hm! So it does look pretty evil- I like the...
  5. Furiianda

    Hiiii (: How have you been?

    Hiiii (: How have you been?
  6. Furiianda

    XD Man, I barely know where to start... *scratches head* Ummm... er. I remember the last one was...

    XD Man, I barely know where to start... *scratches head* Ummm... er. I remember the last one was the one about biscuits, and the first one was probably oboist's shoes (since that was the most common assumption). And I remember making little pictures for all of them... so maybe they might help in...
  7. Furiianda

    Hi! XD Ahh, life is good. Thanks for asking (: How have you been down here? XD

    Hi! XD Ahh, life is good. Thanks for asking (: How have you been down here? XD
  8. Furiianda

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    That shade of blue looks nice on Mew (: I think what you need to do is change the dark blue "spine" on the tail so it's facing upwards instead of sideways like that- or perhaps remove it completely, since then it will look all smooth and Mew-like. The tail might also look better if you move it...
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