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Search results

  1. Pikachu Goddess

    You're Invited!

    I didn't know he could make clones of people... O_o I invite you to see the rebirth of VE.
  2. Pikachu Goddess

    You're Invited!

    *cries along with them* I invite you to the funeral of VelvetEspeon. Open casket. ;O
  3. Pikachu Goddess

    The New "Pokésonas?"

    Re: The New "Pokésonas?" Hm... it was originally a Pikachu with a kind of headband made out of beads and fangs, a black loop earring on her left ear, and a bracellet I wear practically every day. I think I named her after myself (not my screen name). But now, I'm thinking myself more as...
  4. Pikachu Goddess

    Pokemon Name Game

  5. Pikachu Goddess

    Spring Break!

    ^Me too.
  6. Pikachu Goddess

    Best. Exam. Ever.

    Sweet. My art final didn't involve that kind of stuff... I wish it did. :(
  7. Pikachu Goddess

    Is it me or...

    It's you. Is it me, or is Bleach totally epic? :D
  8. Pikachu Goddess

    You're Invited!

    The soundtrack, eh? I'd prefer the movie, thanks. I invite you to hack into a government database.
  9. Pikachu Goddess

    The Klondike Bar Game

    Re: The Klondac Bar Game I would try to be a bit more courageous and talk to him, then hopefully he would like me. What would you do to travel to the country you've always wanted to see?
  10. Pikachu Goddess

    You're Invited!

    ... Sure? I invite you to eat a giant cupcake crafted by the world's most finest carpenters.
  11. Pikachu Goddess

    Rate the Username Above

    8/10. I dunno, I just like your username. It's sort of interesting.
  12. Pikachu Goddess

    Rate the Username Above

    9/10. I like the choice of words. :3
  13. Pikachu Goddess

    The 0_o thread

    Both the fox and otter fit me well. :3 A few months ago, my friend and I were getting stuff from a vending machine. As I pressed the button for a bag of chips, I said to my friend, "You know what would be funny? If the bag of chips got stu-" You know what happens next. XD
  14. Pikachu Goddess

    Rate the Username Above

    7/10. It's alright. I just know mine will get bad ratings... >_>
  15. Pikachu Goddess

    Alakazam is too smart to be serving humanity and such.

    You'd think that their brains would be too large to even hold up with an I.Q. like that. But apparently, they can.
  16. Pikachu Goddess

    Nerds VS Socialite?

    I love that statement. I classify myself as a nerd. I listen more than I talk, but I can still speak to people normally if they do strike a conversation with me. (Like my crush. :3) Either way, these stereotypes don't necessarily matter in the long run, as countless people said on this thread...
  17. Pikachu Goddess

    Guy on YouTube with over 6000 videos of himself smoking.

    Oh, wow. That's quite excessive. O_o
  18. Pikachu Goddess

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Fwee, Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo, Ichigo!!!!! :DDDDDD *huggles picture of Ichigo with his shirt off from the seventh manga* Yep, I'm crazy. But he's so hot! <3 *cough* My parents already got me my birthday present (it's February, and my birthday's in July. Odd, eh?) and I'm...
  19. Pikachu Goddess

    Nidoran: Gender issue

    My thoughts exactly.
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