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The 0_o thread

One time, just randomly pot fumes came in our class. No one (except the stoners) knew what it was.

The class was baked.
Once I was waiting to cross the street with my little brother and a bird dropped a bomb a couple feet from where we were standing. Good thing we weren't standing there!
I swear my boyfriend is psychic. XD

So my friend asked me today if I wanted to ditch fourth period and go to Taco Bell, and I said yes. When we got out of school, I mentioned to her, "Man, I wish I had a cell phone. I could call my boyfriend right now and maybe he could give us a ride.

Twenty minutes of walking later, I see a kid who looks strikingly like my boyfriend. Wait a second...That IS my boyfriend! XD Apparently he had my mom call the school to excuse me from class and take me to lunch. He saw me and my friend on the sidewalk while he was driving to my school and picked us up. ^_^ It was so awesome. XD
I got bat in that Animal In You test, and it fits me pretty well, but mostly in real life.

But the real reason for posting is what happened earlier today, considering it's not really worth its own thread but I'd like to tell someone about it for some reason. I swear I'm obsessed with finding little one-off glitches in games.

Anyways, earlier today in Brawl, I was cleaning out my snapshots since I had a bunch of them that were just taking up memory. Well, after I got done cleaning out my snaps and exitted out of Snapshots, I randomly decided to go back. Sitting in back of all the other snapshots were one of the pictures I had deleted! Apparently, it didn't count towards my total snapshot count, and I don't believe it had a number beneath it. Not only that, but the date and time were all screwed up. For a date, it had something along the lines of 785 / 3 / 2009 (It did get the year right, though), and the time was, I believe, 785 : --435 (Yes, there were two dashes before the 435). But the snapshot itself was perfectly normal. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary that would make this 'zombified snapshot', so I'm hoping this isn't my Wii acting up. Of course, I deleted the snapshot immediately (yeah, I know - I didn't have the sense to take pictures), since I didn't want to keep that thing on my savefile.

Has anyone had anything similar happen?
Apparently my cousin is dating my friend's best friend. Funny thing is, my cousin and my friend have met only once. XD

And last night, I was talking to my boyfriend, and I had the odd thought that I was talking to the friend I mentioned in the above paragraph. Why did I think that? Because he said a word that my friend made up once, and it freaked the hell out of me. Those two are way too much alike. They act the same and their birthdays are only one day apart. o.O
So about ten minutes ago I was breeding baby Bagon for no apparent reason. I was on my second, and at that point I had a Flame Bodied Magmortar in my party starting before I got the egg, and I was biking up and down Solaceon waiting for it to hatch in half the time.

I was getting impatient, and since it had been over 5,400 steps since I got the egg. So I said, "I don't think this Flame Body thing works. If it was half the time it would hatch right about now--"

The egg hatched.

I just feel like posting about them, so now I am going to post the names and natures of all 5 Bagon.

Dimwit :) - M - Mild
Bluebeard - M - Rash
Gray Hair - F - Jolly
Ringer - F - Naive
Whatchamak - F - Relaxed

You can probably tell I was aiming for random names for Ultigon's children.
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