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The 0_o thread

Okay, I recently found a website called Pandora Radio. You basically tell it a song or artist you like and it'll find more music you might like. I entered my favorite singer, Utada Hikaru, a J-pop singer who likes to experiment with genres. It took me to my favorite band within an hour. My favorite band is the gothic metal band Within Temptation. 0.o
On Thursday part of my dream involved a conversation between Kabuto and Kimimaro.

They had gotten on something about attacking a nearby village.

Kabuto: Are you ready to go?
Kimimaro: Yes.
Kabuto: What about the explosives?
Kimimaro: [The villagers should] run away from the explosives.

It's just kinda.... *UNORTHODOX* if you ask me.
Little kids ambush me in the games section of Big W. What the hell did I ever do to them!!?? I just want a game!
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