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The 0_o thread

Well, it didn't happen to me, but my sister's friend and family went to Mexico. They were walking around when some guy comes up to the parents and says "I'll give you a chicken for the girl."

The accuracy of this.
Well, it didn't happen to me, but my sister's friend and family went to Mexico. They were walking around when some guy comes up to the parents and says "I'll give you a chicken for the girl."

The accuracy of this.

Haha, my mother was almost traded for 20 camels in Egypt when we went. xD;
This has to be the creepiest most acurate freaking thing on earth, i swear, it pretty much acuratly described my life at this point in time, i'm a little scared.

It's called the color quiz, click HERE to take it, it's really freaky.
whelp. I managed to forget that 'phantom' started with a P for about ten minutes. So I was hunting for a doujin called 'Phantom Pain' in the F section for TEN MINUTES.

; ; when did i get so dumb
Uh, last week, I was walking home from school, when these two seventh graders grabbed me and kidnapped took me to my math teacher's classroom and she made me do math problems. Meanwhile, my parents were freaking out.


Whaat? That doesn't make any sense... Why?

And that colour quiz was very inaccurate for me. I guess it just depends on the person.
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This has to be the creepiest most acurate freaking thing on earth, i swear, it pretty much acuratly described my life at this point in time, i'm a little scared.

It's called the color quiz, click HERE to take it, it's really freaky.

That quiz was so accurate it scared me. Seriously.
That colour quiz is actually what I was referring to, but still, even if I take it ages from the last time I did it, it describes me better then I can myself xD

Oh, recently, when I was bored during Maths, I was looking through my text book and saw that it was the one that my sister used in grade 10. Seeing as this could be one of about 40+ books people in my level and grade use, that's just weird o_O (textbook hire scheme)
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^ My friend randomly looked at the previous owners of her textbook and discovered she had my sister's.
I said to the air when I was thinking of my bf 'I love you' and 2 seconds later i get a text saying 'I love you too' he was two cities away at the time...
Well for a roleplay yesterday I decided to make a character based off one of my friends. I looked for a picture, but none worked.

Then I found one that COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY FIT HER. It was creepy. o.o
^ good point.

I was talking to one of my friends, whom I didn't know before high school, and she started talking about having to sing some song in spanish for a choral festival.

And I knew exactly what she was talking about, cause I was in it too. o.o
I went with my friend to the movies a while ago and I got him and me a total of five dates. It seems when we are together we always get dates but never when we're alone xD

And just a note... I'm not gay o.e
I was talking to one of my friends, whom I didn't know before high school, and she started talking about having to sing some song in spanish for a choral festival.

And I knew exactly what she was talking about, cause I was in it too. o.o

+ one now. o.o
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