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Search results

  1. Automata heart

    hey, can you call me as soon as you can?

    hey, can you call me as soon as you can?
  2. Automata heart

    *pokes* i found you the PERFECT ceil wig!!!

    *pokes* i found you the PERFECT ceil wig!!!
  3. Automata heart

    Anyone else here sew?

    Does anyone else here sew? if so, what kind of things do you make? got any tips? of you don't sew, but want to, you can ask questions!
  4. Automata heart


    user: Hello~. cleverbot: Apple? user: Orange! cleverbot: Grapes! user: Pears! Cleverbot: blueberry's? user: FRUITS BASKET.
  5. Automata heart

    woman's fashion's effect on society.

    in some places in Africa, woman can be topless because the Brest is not considered sexual. I'm wondering if its society's view of sex that has changed fashion. i mean, now days, when its everywhere, that can't NOT affect society and fashion. also, I'm really glad to see some people of the male...
  6. Automata heart

    woman's fashion's effect on society.

    is it just me, but is modern fashion making woman and even girls seem more like sex objects? a lot of these clothes leave nothing to the imagination. and i think this is affecting the view of what is beautiful and the view of society on people who choose to cover up. opinions.
  7. Automata heart

    Is it weird for a girl to propose to a guy?

    ^ yeah. i'm all for just living with someone. i dont know if i want to be called someone's "wife" for how ever long I'm with someone. to answer the question, no. i don't think it's weird. i would want someone to propose to me, but thats just me.
  8. Automata heart

    Your Oldest Pokemon

    for mystery dungeon, its my venusar, LIZZY. on pearl its my empolian emperor.
  9. Automata heart

    awesome azumanga daiho reference.

    awesome azumanga daiho reference.
  10. Automata heart

    What Pokemon would you be in real life?

    eevee. its kawaii, and its LITTLE!!! (i hate being tall. T__T) its also cuddly.
  11. Automata heart

    Your first kiss?

    not yet. i'd settle for a hug, or even someone holding my hand. srsly? anyone?
  12. Automata heart


    dictators in general don't work. its like comunisim. its great on paper, but installed in society with so many variables, it falls apart. this particular case is interesting. this has rippled over from Egypt, and other places in the middle-east. America wants it over and done with because if...
  13. Automata heart


    my view on abortain is this. one has to think of the child first. if the child's quality of life is going to be so low that it will be in pain, isn't mean to bring it into the world? (disclaimer. as a female, i don't think i could ever do that. what i said is simply another side of a many...
  14. Automata heart

    Kaito's voice is easy to listen to.

    Kaito's voice is easy to listen to.
  15. Automata heart

    sure. i found out the deadly sins songs really good. i have luka's, gakupo's and meiko's on my...

    sure. i found out the deadly sins songs really good. i have luka's, gakupo's and meiko's on my mp3. which is your favourite vocaloid? mine's rin and len.
  16. Automata heart

    Favorite Lyrics

    "how can you see into my eyes, like open doors? leading you down into my core, where i've become so numb, without a soul, my spirts sleeping somewhere cold, untill you find it there and bring me to life. " bring me to life by evanescence. "Evil flowers Steadily bloom With an array of...
  17. Automata heart

    Lady Gaga

    she understands how to write and preform a good pop song. i think she's pretty good.
  18. Automata heart

    i have some AWESOME new cosplay ideas i've been working on for usagi cosplay (the name of our...

    i have some AWESOME new cosplay ideas i've been working on for usagi cosplay (the name of our cosplay group)! ceil phantomhive and Elizabeth middilford. wana call me when you get this? love, saku-chan
  19. Automata heart

    any time.

    any time.
  20. Automata heart

    ONLY $9:90 TO GO!!!

    and, today i found a set of uber kawaii black butler book marks and i won them!!! <3
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