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Favorite Lyrics


Tangle In This Trampled Wheat
Simple thread. Now everyone share some.


A saxophone someplace far off plays
As she was walkin' by the arcade.
As a light bust through a beat-up shade where he was wakin' up,
She dropped a cup into the cup of a blind man at the gate
And forgot about a simple twist of fate

Simple Twist of Fate - Bob Dylan
I love every part of this song, but this is my favorite section.


Angel come down from heaven yesterday,
She stayed with me just long enough to rescue me
And she tell me a story yesterday,
About the Love between the moon and the deep blue sea.
And when it was time for her to go,
She spread her wings high over me,
And she said, "I shall return tomorrow."

Angel - Jimi Hendrix
Favorite of Jimi Hendrix's tunes, lyrically.

I'll post some more later
It's nine-o-clock on a Saturday, the regular crowd shuffles in
There's an old man sitting next to me, making love to his whiskey and gin.
He says "Son, can you play me a melody? I'm not really sure how it goes,
but it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete when I wore a younger man's clothes."

Arguably one of the few songs I can recite the lyrics to from memory. Because they are great.
..."Oh, and the smokes in that cigarrette box,
On the table, they just so happen to be
- There's A Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet by Panic! At The Disco.

(I have more, may post them later.)
You said:
I can whisper in your ear / I can write a calendar year / I can wing around your Saturn smile, shut out the moon / I walked the tension wire line/ and I learned to disrespect the signs

And I want you like a Pisces rising, even though / I love you crazy, just keep on / I love you madly, just keep watch / you wipe my lips / you turn me on / my attentions are turned to you.

Marvellous Things said:
I woke the dawn / saw horses growing out the lawn / I glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings / oh what marvelous things

Dark nights hold tight and sleep tight my baby / morning light shall burst bright and keep us here safely

I followed a rabbit through rows of mermaid entwined shrubbery / oh what marvelous things / but they are, they are, they are giving me the creeps
Oceania said:
One breath away from mother Oceanía
Your nimble feet make prints in my sands
You have done good for yourselves
Since you left my wet embrace
And crawled ashore
Every boy, is a snake is a lily
Every pearl is a lynx, is a girl
Sweet like harmony made into flesh
You dance by my side
Children sublime
You show me continents
I see the islands
You count the centuries
I blink my eyes
Hawks and sparrows race in my waters
Stingrays are floating
Across the sky
Little ones, my sons and my daughters
Your sweat is salty
I am why

Echoes said:
Overhead the albatross
Hangs motionless upon the air
And deep beneath the rolling waves
In labyrinths of coral caves
the echo of a distant tide
Comes willowing across the sand
And everything is green and submarine.
On the back of a motorbike
With your arms outstretched, trying to take flight
Leaving everything behind
But even at our swiftest speed
We couldn't break from the concrete
And the city where we still reside

- "Brothers on a Hotel Bed", Death Cab For Cutie

Every line of "What Sarah Said", also by Death Cab For Cutie

Two weeks later like a surplus reprieve
I found a hair the length of yours on my sleeve
I wound it round and round my finger so tight
It turned to purple and a pulse formed inside

- "If There's a Rocket Tie Me to It", Snow Patrol

And a trio of lyrics from "The Lightning Strike":

Painted in flames
All peeling thunder
Be the lightning in me
That strikes relentless

- "The Lightning Strike, Part 1: What If This Storm Ends?", Snow Patrol

These accidents of faith and nature
They tend to stick in the spokes of you
But every now and then the trend bucks
And you're repaired by more than glue

- "The Lightning Strike, Part 2: The Sunlight Through the Flags", Snow Patrol

As motionless cars rust on driveways and curbs
You take off your raincoat and stretch out your arms
We both laugh out loud and surrender to it
The sheer force of sky and the cold magnet Earth

- "The Lightning Strike, Part 3: Daybreak", Snow Patrol
I absolutely cannot resist the puns and wordplay of Barenaked Ladies.

They say that absence makes the heart grow fungus
I wax poetic while you're waxing your legs

-Blame It On Me

If I had $10000000, I'd buy you some art
A Picasso or a Garfunkel
-If I Had $10000000

I'm in a thunderstorm
Staying out from under trees never holding
Golf clubs, but still seem to be getting
Struck by lightning... must be
Something in my veins
My weathered veins

-Same Thing

I could hide out under there
I just made you say "underwear"

-Pinch Me

I'm a public embarrassment
I'm a bottle of diet poison
I'm a walking advertisement
For everything I never meant
And everything I never meant to be

-Bull In A China Shop

I have faith in medication, I believe in the Prozac nation
You play doctor, but I've lost patience

-This Is Where It Ends

Ever since we said our goodbyes
The onion rings, the phone makes me cry
You're an abacus
And my heart was counting on us


Some people are just all show
Well, I don't mind that if the show is worth watching
But it's all bark and no tree
What's more ironic than a hippie in Versace?
It's all peace and love and limousines
You got the right message, but the wrong intentions
How can you be touchy-feely when you've lost touch?

-Down To Earth

More as I think of them :)
"how can you see into my eyes, like open doors?
leading you down into my core, where i've become so numb,
without a soul,
my spirts sleeping somewhere cold,
untill you find it there and bring me to life. "
bring me to life by evanescence.

"Evil flowers
Steadily bloom
With an array of funest doom
How the paradise that she made for herself
Put this broken doll right back on the wooden shelf.

There was once upon a time in another place
An evil kingdom who no person dared to face
And the ruler was a girl so mean
A tiny little princess of only age fourteen."
aku no mausume. kagamine rin.
~They said all teenagers scare
the living shit out of me
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes
Or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone
But not me~

"Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance
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Dr. Horrible: My Eyes said:
Listen close to everybody’s heart

And hear that breaking sound

Hopes and dreams are shattering apart

And crashing to the ground

Dr. Horrible: Penny's Song said:
Anytime you’re hurt there’s one

Who has it worse around

And every drop of rain

Will keep you growing

Seeds you’re sowing in the ground

I've been obsessed with Dr. Horrible lately, so yeah. They're my favorites for now. Will probbably end up finding some non-Dr. Horrible lyrics...at some point :3
Okay, here are some more witty and/or beautiful lyrics for you...

"Under blue moon, I saw you
So soon you'll take me
Up in your arms,
too late to beg you
or cancel it,
though I know it must be
The killing time...
Unwillingly mine"

up against your will
through the thick and thin
He will wait until
you give yourself to hate"

--Echo and the Bunnymen, "The Killing Moon"
It's a pretty haunting, beautiful song. Finding your true love and being forced to kill her by the tides of fate? Deep shit, man.

"Today is the greatest day I'll ever know
Can't wait for tomorrow
I might not have that long
I'd tear my heart out
Before I get out"
-Smashing Pumpkins, "Today"
You knew this was going to be on here. Anyway, despite being a song about suicide it's very simple and not-whiny.

"Water was running,
Children were running,
You were running
out of time
Under the mountain,
A golden fountain,
Were you hanging at the Lares Shrine?"
-Siouxsie and the Banshees, "Cities in Dust"
It's clever and morbid at the same time, and it has some cool historical background.

Overhead the albatross
Hangs motionless upon the air
And deep beneath the rolling waves
In labyrinths of coral caves
the echo of a distant tide
Comes willowing across the sand
And everything is green and submarine.

From Echoes by Pink Floyd. opal already posted it but whatever.
"Cold breeze blows in a misty grove
Making dying leaves fall on the forgotten one
Sleeping in a frost-covered ground
Waiting for someone to find his lonely grave

And so did winter come over the grove
With beautiful pure white snow
Covering all tracks of struggle and fight
of an ending life"

He Sleeps in a Grove by Amberian Dawn. Hauntingly beautiful.
Vienna Teng's lyrics are very beautiful.

Drought said:
summer move forward and stitch me the fabric of fall
wrap life in the brilliance of death to humble us all
how sweet is the day
I'm craving a darkness
as I sit tucked away with my back to the wall

and the taste of dried-up hopes in my mouth
and the landscape of merry and desperate drought
how much longer dear angels
let winterlight come
and spread your white sheets over my empty house

Daughter said:
well it's you and it's me
me with a drink in my hand
the ice is tinkling like a wind chime
and late afternoon settles over the land
and you're talking about things
interesting just slightly
and things that matter too much
to say any way but lightly

My Medea said:
For I have made her prison be
Her every step away from me
And this child I would destroy
If you tried to set her free

So come to me my love
I'll tap into your strength and drain it dry
Can never have enough
For you I'd burn the length and breadth of sky
Simon & Garfunkel - Richard Cory

They say that Richard Cory owns one half of this whole town,
With political connections to spread his wealth around.
Born into society, a banker's only child,
He had everything a man could want: power, grace, and style.

But I work in his factory
And I curse the life I'm living
And I curse my poverty
And I wish that I could be,
Oh, I wish that I could be,
Oh, I wish that I could be
Richard Cory.

The papers print his picture almost everywhere he goes:
Richard Cory at the opera, Richard Cory at a show.
And the rumor of his parties and the orgies on his yacht!
Oh, he surely must be happy with everything he's got.

But I work in his factory
And I curse the life I'm living
And I curse my poverty
And I wish that I could be,
Oh, I wish that I could be,
Oh, I wish that I could be
Richard Cory.

He freely gave to charity, he had the common touch,
And they were grateful for his patronage and thanked him very much,
So my mind was filled with wonder when the evening headlines read:
"Richard Cory went home last night and put a bullet through his head."

But I work in his factory
And I curse the life I'm living
And I curse my poverty
And I wish that I could be,
Oh, I wish that I could be,
Oh, I wish that I could be
Richard Cory.
I'm not a big rap fan, but there's this one line in Eminem's "Not Afraid" that I find amazing for some reason.

I'mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly
And all those who look down on me I'm tearing down your balcony
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From "The Grudge" by Tool

"Saturn comes back around. Lifts you up like a child or
Drags you down like a stone
To consume you till you choose to let this go.

Give away the stone. Let the oceans take and
Transmutate this cold and fated anchor.
Give away the stone. Let the waters kiss and
Transmutate these leaden grudges into gold."
No one I ever knew or have spoken to
Resembles you
This is good or bad, all depending on
My general mood
Why d'you think I let you get away
With all the things you say to me?
Could it be I like you
It's so shameful of me, I like you
You're not right in the head and nor am I
And this is why
This is why I like you, I like you, I like you
(I Like You)

I never wanted to kill, I am not naturally evil
Such things I do
Just to make myself more attractive to you
Have I failed?
(The Last of the Famous International Playboys)

I'm gonna take your eyes
Use them as a seed
Grow a big tree on my balcony
(Achieve Believe)
Cansei de Ser Sexy

You make me feel
You make feel something
And feeling something beats feeling nothing at all
And nothing at all is what I feel
All the rest of the time
(Bang Goes the Knighthood)

I can't abide a horizontal life
It's time to rise, assume the perpendicular
Jump up and down, make funny little sounds
And talk about nothing in particular

We'll walk the grounds by Capability Brown
Get lost for days inside the manicured maze
We'll bump our heads jumping on a four-post bed
And we'll ride for free
On the ladders round the walls of the circular library
(Assume the Perpendicular)
The Divine Comedy

Communist Love Song (Soltero) is my favourite love song of all time but my favourite bit is probably the end:
And if you're ever less than certain
I will be your Iron Curtain
I will be your Berlin Wall
And I will never fall
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