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Search results

  1. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: DIY Pokémafia [DAY 2] O.K. By my count, you have about nine hours left in the day phase, and none of you have voted. If there are still no votes, I might extend the day phase for a limited amount of time, or let the last person to have died (that is, DarkAura) decide who to kill. So, if you...
  2. zeKieranator

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Built a giant hot muffin that looked like a volcano.
  3. zeKieranator

    Tell Me Something That's...

    Questions. Tell me something that's painful.
  4. zeKieranator

    The wish game

    Granted. It scars you for life. I wish that string theory is proven.
  5. zeKieranator

    The Long Word Game

  6. zeKieranator

    DIY Pokémafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: DIY Pokémafia [NIGHT 1] When the townspeople woke, they once again found the body of an innocent. However, this was different. The Charizard's body was found lying in the center of the square, with twin bolts of fire and electricity cutting him in half. The inspector said that the marks...
  7. zeKieranator

    Pathos vs. Ampharos

    Team Pathos bulbasaurCheryl (♀) Ability: Overgrow Health: 100% Energy: 100% Item: black-sludge Commands: Sleep Powder / Safeguard ~ SolarBeam / Growth / Grass Knot ~ SolarBeam / Growth / Grass Knot Team Ampharos wailmerSisavac (♀) Ability: Oblivious Health: 100% Energy: 100% Commands: Dive...
  8. zeKieranator

    The Long Word Game

  9. zeKieranator

    The Rank-Up Thread

    Now a Metapod, and finding it extremely difficult not to melt my cocoon off with my awesome magical-rainbowey fire.
  10. zeKieranator

    This topic goes backwards

    Which do you like better: the main series games, or the Mystery Dungeon games?
  11. zeKieranator

    Tell Me Something That's...

    Silence in an elevator. Tell me something that is redundant.
  12. zeKieranator

    Fortunately & Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, there's no one around to see you look cool, so they're still pointless.
  13. zeKieranator

    Bank of TCoD

    Two paychecks I never got, plus an extra +$4.
  14. zeKieranator

    SomeGuy vs. Mad MOAI

    Team SomeGuy vulpixFirefox (♀) Ability: Chlorophyll Health: 70% Energy: 53% +1 Attack, +1 Defense, -1 Speed Status: That worked out way better than expected. Commands: Captivate ~ Energy Ball ~ Extrasensory Team Mad MOAI nosepassLuminas (♂) Ability: Magnet Pull Health: 100% Energy: 100%...
  15. zeKieranator

    Tell Me Something That's...

    Wisdom. Tell me something that's edible.
  16. zeKieranator

    The wish game

    Granted. You can teleport. To the center of the sun. And nowhere else. I wish that no one will grant this wish.
  17. zeKieranator

    The Long Word Game

  18. zeKieranator

    Fortunately & Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, they're broken.
  19. zeKieranator

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    In the process of developing laser vision. So far, doing great.
  20. zeKieranator

    You're Banned (Reincarnate)

    You're banned for commenting on people's post counts.
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