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  1. The Phantom Latios

    In Progress The Fourth Apocalypse

    I think you have a good start. But how is this the best day of Isolde's life when she gets attacked by monsters that are destroying the world?
  2. The Phantom Latios

    Grocery Store!

    Sorry, the last 2 things got stuck in the antimatter, which made everything explode. Can some get me some chocolate ice cream?
  3. The Phantom Latios


    Hi, and welcome to TCoD!
  4. The Phantom Latios

    Grocery Store!

    No, all the souls died from lack of everything. I did get you a heart instead. Can someone get me air?
  5. The Phantom Latios

    Greetings, fellow members.

    Hello, and welcome to the TCoD forums!
  6. The Phantom Latios

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunately, his shovel got rusted to the point of where if something touches it, it will break.
  7. The Phantom Latios

    Grocery Store!

    Sorry, it turns out all the batteries were atomic bombs. I did get you an apple core, though. Can someone go get me Barack Obama so I can tell him how to run a country?
  8. The Phantom Latios

    Hello people

    Thanks for all of the welcomes. I will carry sugar on me at all times to throw at any vegetarian welcome mats if I see them.
  9. The Phantom Latios

    Hello people

    Um...hi. My username is The Phantom Latios. I've gone to the Cave of Dragonflies website and always saw this forum link, so I decided to join. I've joined other forums, and my username usually relates to something about Latios. I live in the U.S., and I have been a pokemon fan for 7 years.
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