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Grocery Store!

Well, I would, but I like the weather right now. Here's a Castform plushie instead.

Can somebody get me a pamphlet explaining the exact function of a rubber duck?
I can't the ducks rebelled and stole them. I got you an owner's manual for toddlers though.

Can I please get mes a dragon?
Here, have a Komodo dragon! Careful, it'll kill you if it isn't fed daily.

I can has chocolate feathers?
Sorry, it turns out all the batteries were atomic bombs. I did get you an apple core, though.

Can someone go get me Barack Obama so I can tell him how to run a country?
Sorry,he's in the washroom.Here's Hillary Clinton instead!

Can someone get me some chitterlings?
I don't know what a clittering is, but I got you a plate instead.

Can someone buy me a book of astrology?
Arthur Weasley bought the last one. Here's a retpocileh instead.

Can someone get me 1/2 a pound of antimatter, an acorn, and a quart of finely chopped TeaCod?
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