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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Grocery Store!

Seeing as you failed to mention which type, so I was left no choice to get you a First Aid booklet instead! Can you get me a DVD collection of animes so I'll actually have something to watch?
Oh, anime? I thought you said animals so I got you a pet monkey instead.

Can you please get me Jesus?
Here you g... wait, did you mean Jesus, as in Jee-zus? This is Jesus as in Hey-Zeus. He only speaks Spanish.

Can I please have heart surgery?
Sure thing!...Except, well, insert meme here. How about some Mudkips instead?

I need a 60 Watt lightbulb, if you wouldn't mind. Mine's burnt.
I ate it! (Bored, alright?) So here's a 6 Watt one instead... Can I have 10 minutes alone with Game Freak, so I can tell them how crap the Starters are getting and ask them to add more Fire Types and so I can get something for stealing Spiridcass?
Sorry I have no connections to them and have no idea how to contact them. But since you like fire types so much here's a torchic egg.

May I please have a servant to write my Public Speaking speeches for me? This is so annoying. XP
Oh, sorry. I went overboard and got OVAR NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAND!!!!!!!!!

I want some painkillers for my teeth.
I got you Hedwig, but Voldemort killed it along the way. :( sorry.

Can somebody get me an owl to give Zackrinian?
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