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Grocery Store!

No, I'm sorry, but my cheating nekogirlfriend has stashed them under random rocks, so here's a AA sized battery instead!

Can you get me some catnip, please?
I tried to, but I was randomly cast in some crime drama, so I couldn't buy them. Here's the script, though.

Can I have a time machine?
I was in the middle of bringing it to you but then I noticed there was a serious fault with it, so I returned it and traded it for a Nintendo Wii instead!

Can you get me a half dozen tickets to see the 10th Anniversary Yu-Gi-Oh! and the new Pokémon Movies!
No. Just no. As much as I love Yugioh, the movie was kind of lame, looking at it now. (that and the whole "card games on motorcycles!" thing)

Where in this establishment can I find some common sense (for I lack it)
Alice in Wonderland Character he/she is based off of:
Wich world are they from: (Either Wonderland or the Real World.)
Sorry, I jus saw them all float away, so enjoy a Jigglypuff song instead! *Stands unaffected due to my awesomeness*

Ooh, there's a new Metal CD I'd like for my Laptop's Music collection!
No! Here's an empty beer can instead!

Can I have that Kiba Inuzuka Action Figure, shut PhaRaoH's brother up or jus keep him amused for a while!?
Sorry they were too busy purring at my mere pressence, so I got you a ferret instead!

Can I have that copy of Pokémon Platinum from that new Games shop in town that was £18!
Sorry, the shop moved to America, now it costs $100

Could you pick up a couple pints of potassium chloride for me? Thanks.
Sorry, I thought you Americans didn't use the Imperial system, so here's a 1bit memory stick!

Can I have a can of fresh air from the planet Druidia?

(If you don't get the reference, jus watch Spaceballs!)
Sorry, the only ones we have are empty. But I do have a shard of Mega-Maid.

Does anyone here have the Shwartz? (yeah Spaceballs again... yeah.)
No, they all got liquidized, i have a can of liquid shwartz!

Can I have a... nah, how about... uh... An iPhone!?!?!?
Sorry, I took the last one and it's MINE. I got you a dog instead. A husky.

Can I get a sticker? A banana sticker?
See, I'd get you one, but I'd have to touch it, and it's covered in something sticky. You can have an actual banana, though, they're cheap as dirt.

Gosh, I'm all out of brown sugar. Could someone run out and get some?
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