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Grocery Store!

Sorry, that section was crowded by people in mole suits with signs around their neck saying "I am a mole!"! And since I'm not really a fan of Big Brother, I avoided that place like the plague! So I got you a tea cosy instead!

Seriously, can you get me that DS and copy of Platinum seeing as my birthday is in 5 days now and I still don't know what to ask for!!!
Y'know, I would, but they only have this really dehydrated-looking one, and you know those things only work half as well. Got you a Wobuffet instead, though, it was on sale.

Would someone mind getting me a life at the grocers?
An entire life at the grocer's? Unless you've spent your whole life thus far at the grocer's I'm afraid that's impossible by definition.

I'd like a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a man's hat.
Sorry, a Gentleman with a Growlithe took it, running away yelling "They're after me Lucky Charms!". I did get you a stress ball, however.

I would like to buy Drew Carey please.
Some creepy English boss got some first....and he fired me. I did get you a nice pair of glasses.

Can somebody get me a doorknob, then?
All the boats were destroyed for some TV show. Here, have this hat.

Can someone get me a box from the grocery store?
Sorry, the freezer exploded. However I managed to get you a Glaceon. :3

Can I have an Azurill? Fresh from the frozen seafood section?
Sorry, those hugs are too expensive. Selling for 100 bucks now. I did get you a Hershey Kiss though.

Can I have some Disney soundtracks?
No. They're out of soundtracks of any kind D:
Have sone bright green zombie goo instead

I can has watermelon?
Sorry the fruit and veg aisle was closed for repairs... so I got you 1p coin instead!

Can you get me one of those microwaveable chicken curry meals, s'il vous plait?
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