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Grocery Store!

Sorry, they didn't have a suit of armour, but here's some chain mail.

I can has cheezburgr from the grocery store?
Sorry, but the evil aliens in the store banned them Here's an evil alien instead, though.

Can someone go get Notoriously Unknown from the food aisle?
Sorry, they said it's illegal to sell people. They reckon it's slavery or something. Here's a shoe.

Can somebody get me a DVD player that will actually play the second disc of one of my Bill Bailey DVDs, please?
Sorry, but Notory says that they're holding her as a slave so I had to heroicly rescue her, and in the process I was forced to destroy the world's stock of DVD players. Here's a dead guard.

Could someone go get me a halfway eaten fish from the grocery store?
You didn't ask for anything so I bought you this red stick with a burny string on it. Oh, and it's slathered in glue! Surprise!!!

I'd like an orange.
Sorry, they didn't have one, so I got you a Japanese Dictionary instead.
I need someone to Pre-order Heart Gold and Soul Silver for me (I actually already pre-ordered from Japan).
Sorry, but they weren't going to sell them, so I got you this Diamond version for the game boy colour instead.

Can someone get me a job?
Sorry, I don't feel inclined to do this laborious task, so take this $1767 cheque instead.

Can someone get me a table?
Sorry they were completely out of chairs, so I bought you the chair store.
I would like to get a (vena)moth remover. For my bedroom.
I was going to the Bugamon-Be-Gone store,but Hank Hill had a booth selling propane at the fair. Have a Mew.

I need a bag of strawberry flavored Reviver Seeds.
Sorry, all the Rattatas got loose, stole, and ate them all, so I got you a innocent looking Rattata.

Can someone get me a box of "secret meat"?
Sorry, but when I asked for it they started winking at me and asking me for codewords :/ Here's some heavily decomposed roadkill I saw on the way back.

I'd like a stick.
Sorry, but when I asked for it they started winking at me and asking me for codewords :/ Here's some heavily decomposed roadkill I saw on the way back.

I'd like a stick.
Sorry, Spongebob stole them for the world's largest singing of the Campfire Song Song, I did get you Spongebob's autograph.

Get me a butterfly-winged cheescake-fairy at the grocery store, please.
Sorry, they only had butterfly-winged cheesecake-fairies at the grocery store. But I got you this grammar Nazi.

I want a can of badgers.
Um..they were out. Animal rights, y'see. I got you two talking lab mice, however.

Can someone get me the Goodfeathers (Of Animaniacs fame) at the grocery store? I'll pay you with a slightly chewed pen cap.
They don't accept pen caps, chewed or otherwise, as legal tender. So I took some free samples of frog polish.

I'd like Godot from the grocery store.
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