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Grocery Store!

Surprisingly Rin was there, but wasn't for sale or rent. So I got you the old guy in the next aisle.

Can someone get me Missingno at the grocery store?
Sorry, alll the gum exploded. I got you a pie however.

Can someone get me a cravat at the grocery store?
I tried to purchase him, but then the cashier saw a wanted poster of me. Here's a pair of handcuffs instead.

I would like a bottle of hair dye and a couple pillowcases from the grocery store.
I tried, but the store doesn't sell axes, so I got you a kitchen knife.

Can someone get me an apple from the store?
Well, I don't have it yet, so I got you the first one instead.

Please get me a scarf from the store.
Sorry, due to an administrative error the store ordered 500 boxes of boa constrictors instead of scarves. Mind it doesn't strangle you, 'K?

I would like Vivi from the grocery store.
I tried to get him in the cart, but he looked so sad, so I put him back on the shelf.

Can somebody pick me up a pocketful of sunshine in the Grocery store?
Sorry, it burned through my trousers and then I got arrested for public indecency. Here's my summons.

Can I have an expert solicitor from the grocery store?
It would have been the first thing I did when I got there but the solicitors were soliciting so I got you the commercial channel (it's $10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 a day!)

Can I pretty please have a tails mascot costume?
SOrry, they only stock costumes around halloween. Try a party store, in the meantime, have a rubix cube.

I would like a Black Leopard from the grocery store
Sorry, they had never heard of Leopards. I got you a Panther instead.

I'd like you to preorder Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver for me.
I would have, but the games were heartless and had no soul put into them so I ended up with the originals.

Can I have Saddam Hussein?
No, they wouldn't let me take him. Then they called some guys and i had to be questioned and..... Either way, i'm back in jail. Here's my cellmates pet rock.

I would like Yahtzee! from teh grocery store.
Sorry, they were sold out, so here's a nectarine.

I'd like a better response to Charizard Morph's post from the grocery store.
Sorry, all the good excuses were use. But I did get you "A dog ate it" excsue.

Can someone get me Maurice LaMarche at the grocery store?
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