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Grocery Store!

Sorry, I don't know who that is. But I got you somebody who looks like my mental image of what they might look like.

I'd like a donkey.
Sorry, but here was only one donkey in the store. And it had an owner. Seriously, i doubt you'd want it, so I got you a calcualator.

Can someone get me Yakko Warner at the Grocery Store?
Sorry, all they had was a cheap knock off called "Wakko Yarner". So I got you a hosepipe.

I'd like twenty nine shoes from the grocery store.
Sorry, they only had 28 shoes left. I got you 29 retired members of the Boston Red Sox baseball team instead.

Can I get someone to buy some nifty pieces of candy?
Sorry, but someone mugged me and stole them.

Could someone go get Dragonfree from the food aisle?
Sorry, but she was too busy updating her website using the new wi-fi the store had installed.

I could really use 100% bio-degradable Rubik's Cube.
It decomposed on the way over, so I got you this.. uh.. I'm not really sure what it is.

Can I has cheezeburger?
I would, but my brother hates them, so I got you a watermelon instead.
I would like to have a copy of the Dazzle DVC100 Platinum!
Sorry, but they won't sell puppy's to anyone over the age of 11, so I got you a lion instead.

Would somebody please buy me an aquarium?
There were no bookshelves, so I got you this flat rock you can stack books on and this ugly bookmark.

Could I get a store from the store?
Sorry, there were no remotes in the store. However, I did manage to get you a remote island to compensate.

I would like a fire breathing monkey from the grocery story plox.
There were no fire-breathing monkeys, so I got you this monkey stuffed toy and a flame-thrower.

Could someone pick up a time-controlling watch for me please?
Sorry, they ran out, so I got you this space controlling watch instead.

Hey, can you duck down and get me some cursed Indian rituals from the grocery store? Thanks hun.
Sorry, the cursed Indian rituals were recalled because a Flareon got into the packaging department. I got you a Cleffa instead.

Could someone get me a life at the grocery store?
Sorry, but they don't sell lives at the grocery store, so I got this 1UP.
Could I please get an impending white hole of doom?
Sorry, they didn't have that colour, I got you this black h- wait, where'd you go? o.o

Can I have the letter J from the grocery store?
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